Chapter Nine

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See, this is what happens when I really get into something. I start pumping out updates in less than 24 hours. And "Rattle Second City" going into "That Kind Of Heat" . . . that's something I'm really into.

Sylvie gets reinforcements and panics to her boys, Buck worries, Christopher is a national treasure, Matt and Kelly give Sylvie heart attacks, then she returns the favor. Also, I'm wibbly-wobbly with the timey-wimey (and canon) because this is fanfiction.

Enjoy the end of "Rattle Second City!"


Sylvie leaned against the wall of the building, tapping her fingers anxiously against her envelopes. When she heard footsteps down the hall, she tensed in anticipation. When Matt rounded the corner, she relaxed. "Hey," he said, eyeing the open door. "Sev's right behind me." He looked behind him quickly, the faint sound of a door shutting filling the hall, then he looked back at Sylvie. "You go in yet?" She silently shook her head. "You hear anything?"

She shook her head again as Kelly finally appeared, his keys in his hands. "You OK?" he asked in concern.

Sylvie took a deep breath, looking at her door. "Ask me in a few minutes."

"Yeah, good idea," Kelly looked at the door as if the door itself was a threat. "Case? How do you wanna do this?"

Matt cautiously stepped forward, then slowly nudged the door open. He peered inside the dark apartment, then reached for the light switch. The light bathed the room, and as Matt looked towards the kitchen, he silently pointed down the hall towards the bedroom. Kelly nodded and slipped past him, and Sylvie walked in behind Matt, taking her duffel off. Matt finished checking the kitchen area, then walked back, shaking his head. A few seconds later, Kelly returned, shaking his head. "I don't think anyone's been in here," the lieutenant said.

"I didn't leave my door open," Sylvie insisted.

Both men nodded, believing her. "Talk to the landlord?" Matt suggested.

"I left messages," Sylvie shrugged.

Kelly scratched his head, thinking hard. "Think it could've been Halleck?" he asked.

Matt looked at him sharply. "You think he could've gotten that information?"

"I'm trying to think of a worst-case scenario," Kelly shrugged. "I don't want to think it could be him."

Sylvie shuddered at the thought of that man in her apartment, and Matt clenched his jaw. "Well, in that case . . . you got an extra pillow?"

"Or two?" Kelly asked, making Sylvie blink. "And blankets."

Matt turned to him, smirking. "Rock paper scissors for the couch?"

Kelly snorted. "Hey, I'm staying with my favorite girl. I don't care where I sleep."

Sylvie looked back and forth between them, absolutely bewildered, and Matt gave her a look. "We're staying," he told her. "Till we hear back either from your landlord if he was changing out the disposal, or we hear from CPD that they have Joe Halleck in custody."

Sylvie opened her mouth, turning to Kelly, who raised an eyebrow at her. "Don't even argue."

Sylvie shut her mouth with a click. "Fine," she smiled at them. "I will get you pillows." She placed her duffel by the door, then walked forward and hugged both men tightly. "Thank you," she whispered.

Kelly rubbed her back, pressing a light kiss to her neck. "Any time."

"Like we had a choice," Matt joked.

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