Chapter Forty-Four

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 . . . so what's the longest chapter in this book so far? Somewhere in 13K? Because of course this would be the chapter to just blow that out of the water at 14.3K, and I didn't want to cut out a single one. If anything, I wanted to add more to the end, but that would be too . . . wordy. Ugh. Words, am I right? XD

So. Summary. *clears throat* As everyone in New York reels from the fallout of Kathy Stabler's death, Matt and Kelly grapple with each other in Chicago as the wait for Matt's results gets the better of both of them. Sylvie crosses paths with a friend once again, Squad 3 holds an intervention, and a slow burn is suddenly no longer such a slow burn.

Enjoy the conclusions of "Return of the Prodigal Son" and "Natural Born Firefighter!"


"Her spleen ruptured," Elliot explained quietly as they gathered in the waiting room. "They took her into surgery, but it was too late." He swallowed hard, looking down at his hands, tightly held by Owen and Olivia. "I didn't get to say goodbye."

"I'm so sorry, Elliot," Olivia whispered, her voice breaking as she squeezed as tightly as she could.

"I just don't get it," Elliot looked up at them, a broken look in his eyes. "We were happy!"

"I know, El," Owen nodded. "We know."

Olivia looked around the waiting room, relieved to see TK was speaking with Carlos, the cop holding his boyfriend close. Buck and Eddie huddled with Sylvie, the paramedic curled up in her seat, arms wrapped around her legs. "Elliot, where are the kids?" she asked gently.

Elliot started, eyes widening. "I gotta call them," he stammered, searching for his phone. "I gotta . . . I gotta – "

"Elliot," Owen leaned forward. "What can we do to help?"

"I don't know what to tell 'em," Elliot admitted, then he balked, all color draining from his face. "Oh, my God . . . Eli is in Rome. I gotta get him back!"

"How about I call Dickie and," Olivia began.

"No, no, I'll do that," Elliot shook his head, gaze hardening as he looked at Olivia. "You just make sure this son of a bitch goes down for murder."

Olivia's own eyes hardened, and she gave Elliot a single nod.


Peter checked his cell phone for the twentieth time in the past minute, then blew out his breath in a rush and dropped it on his desk, running his hand through his hair afterwards. He knew the saying "a watched pot never boils" . . . he supposed that saying applied for when he was looking for a text message, too.

There was a knock on his office door, and he looked up from Lenski's files to see Sonny and Amanda in the doorway. "Stone," the Italian said.

The name was said with such weight, Peter had a feeling he knew exactly what news Sonny was about to give him. "What happened?" he asked, sitting upright.

Sonny sighed, running a hand through his own hair as he sat across from Peter. "Kathy Stabler didn't make it," he said simply, Amanda looking close to tears as she sat.

Peter closed his eyes, feeling his heart sink. "Oh, my God," he whispered, shaking his head. "Liv and Owen . . . " He took a deep breath. "How's Stabler doing?"

"Not good," Sonny shook his head.

Peter nodded in understanding, his grip on his pen tightening. "I'll arraign Sacha Lenski for murder," he said. "Up the pressure."

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