Chapter Twenty-Four

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You guys are getting so spoiled this chapter. You get 11.6K words because I didn't want to leave you on the cliffhanger I originally had planned.

Owen and Sylvie reach the strike team, Owen learns there's a reason you shouldn't fly in 20 knot winds, De Leon does not endear himself to the strike team, TK and Buck prove why they're Dumbasser and Dumbassest, the Chicago boys are Not Happy, and Owen and Sylvie spend some quality time together surrounded by wildfires. Overall, your typical angsty adventure with the fire gangs.



In San Angelo's twilight hours, the dying sun cut through smoke and trees to create brilliant patterns of light. Trees went as far as the eye could see for acres, and while some were being destroyed by the wildfires, many were standing strong and high.

At any other time, Owen would have called it beautiful. However, he kept his mind on the rescue mission as he adjusted his headset, seeing Sylvie use the thermal camera in front of him, her eyes narrowed in concentration. "Great Oaks strike team, this is air support," he said. After a moment, he added, "Squad 9, do you copy?"


Buck's head poked out of the bushes he was searching through, and he saw Matt turn in surprise from where he was looking around in the trees. "Cap?" he asked in surprise. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, we heard you could use a hand," Owen answered. "Besides, half of you are out there . . . might as well have the full house join the party."

"A full house?" Matt repeated, frowning in confusion. "What's that mean?"

Buck gulped. "It means Cap's not alone up there."


"Full house?" Kelly turned to TK. "Does that mean the rest of your crew's up there?"

"Yeah," TK swallowed. "Oh, Dad, why?"

Eddie stayed silent, understanding TK's worry. He'd only been witness to one conversation involving Sylvie, but he'd also seen pictures since then, and it was obvious she was important, so important to Squad. As Buck had put it himself, she was his and TK's sister. To know she was up there with Captain Strand in hard weather conditions . . . yeah, he was starting to worry, too.


"What's your 20?" Owen asked.

"We're a few klicks west of the camp," Matt answered as Buck jogged to rejoin him. "We haven't found JJ yet. We found his tent back at the campsite, but no remains. He probably went deeper into the woods trying to get away from the fire."

"Alright, we see you."

Matt looked up, seeing the helicopter soar above them. "Let's keep moving," he told Buck.

"Copy," he nodded, returning to the driver's seat.

"Who would your captain want to bring out here in this?" Matt shielded his eyes against the sun, climbing into the passenger's side.

Buck grimaced, continuing to drive through the woods. "I don't think it's want as much as couldn't stop."


"Hey, Sylvie?"

"Yeah, Owen?" she asked absently, keeping her eyes glued to the screen.

"On a scale of cat up a tree to five-alarm lumber factory fire, how protective are Casey and Severide gonna be when they realize you're up here?"

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