Chapter Fifty

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And at long last, just over a year after I first wrote the Season 2 premiere for this book (and chapter fifty, holy crap), here's the Season 2 finale of 9-1-1: Lone Star! The 126 gets their placements, Matt gets to make a pep talk, Kelly realizes what Capp meant when he said 51 was normal, Mateo earns the rank of firefighter, Maddie gets her happy ending, Sylvie comes clean, and a decision is made that changes the 126 forever.

Enjoy "Dust to Dust!"


"Alright, so you got your honda knot," Judd held up the small piece of rope in his hands, and Izzy and Evie watched attentively. "Got your stopper. Yeah? Oh, good. Then you go under, over . . . " He twirled his finished product in the air, smiling as the girls giggled. "Throw a lasso!"

Tommy sighed wistfully from her place at the table, watching the girls mimic their godfather. "He's so good with them."

"Yeah, that's what godfathers are for," Grace nodded, watching her husband proudly. "He loves those girls, T."

"I'm so grateful," Tommy smiled. "There's a still a good man in their lives looking out for them."

She blinked back tears, sniffing as emotion overcame her, and Grace reached across the table, taking a tissue box and putting it in front of Tommy. "It's OK," she whispered.

Tommy shook her head in frustration, taking a tissue and wiping at her tears. "The funeral was two weeks ago," she protested. "You'd think I'd be able to go two minutes without a tissue break!"

"No, let it out," Grace shook her head. "Let it out."

Judd appeared behind Grace, concern on his face, the girls still practicing their lassos by the couch. "You OK?" he asked, sitting down behind Grace. He winced, gently smacking himself in the forehead. "I know that's a stupid question."

"No, no, it's not," Tommy grimaced. "Every time I think I Have a toehold on my sanity, then just . . . " She took up, needing to move. "It just hits me all over again!" She leaned on the counter, taking a few deep breaths to put herself together. "Uh . . . Charles . . . his life insurance came in," he told them. "And it's . . . it's more than I expected. You know, he was always looking out for the girls."

"Yeah, he was," Grace smiled fondly.

"So I'm thinking . . . " Tommy braced herself. "It's my turn."

Judd frowned. "What do you mean?"

"That the only reason I put that uniform back on was to support my family," Tommy told him. "So . . . he's taken care of that now."

"So, hold up," Judd sat up straight, eyes wide. "You love that job! It's a part of who you are, too, now!"

"It is," Tommy agreed. "But what am I supposed to do?"

"Well, have you told Nancy, Sylvie, or Eddie what you're thinking?" Grace asked.

"They're coming over tomorrow," Tommy nodded. "And I'll break it to them then."

Grace sighed, nodding sadly. "Well, I feel for you, T. Good luck."

Tommy waved it away, eager to change the subject. "You know what, you save some of that luck for yourself. Because tomorrow is a big day, for both of you." The Ryders grinned, knowing what Tommy meant. "Back at the call center? You must be counting down the hours!"

"I'm a little excited," Grace admitted. "Just a little bit."

"How about you, Juddy?" Tommy asked. "Have they given you any idea which firehouse you're gonna report to?"

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