Chapter Ten

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OK, I promise there's going to be more of the 9-1-1 shows soon. I just had to get through these first two Chicago Fire episodes because goddamnit these are just the perfect Sylverasey angst episodes. And this chapter is 6.1K words of all of it.

Squad and Truck rush to 61's rescue, Sylvie has a crisis, Kelly takes her on an adventure, and Sylvie has a realization that leads to her having another crisis. Poor girl just can't get a break. Oh, and Buck and TK do get to yell at her.



Sylvie wasn't sure how long she was out of it after the rig crashed, but when she finally forced her eyes opened, she was looking at a spiderweb of shattered glass that made up the windshield. She lolled her head to the side, grateful her seatbelt held her in place, and she reached out for Gianna, who was closest to the ground. "Mackey?" she asked hoarsely. "You OK?"

Gianna weakly lifted her head up, blinking up at Sylvie, then reached for her arm. "Yeah," she nodded. "Yeah, I'm OK." Sylvie sighed in relief, and Gianna looked around, seeing the ground right past her shoulder. "What the hell?"

When she turned back around, Sylvie's eyes widened, seeing what she hadn't before. "Oh, my God . . . you're bleeding!"

"I'm bleeding?!" Gianna raised her hand for her head, and sure enough, her fingertips came away red. She whimpered, looking around wildly. "Where is he?" Sylvie grabbed the edges of the window, and she hauled herself up, trying to peer out of the rig. "Do you see him?"

Sylvie shook her head miserably. "I can't see anything." She dropped back down into her seat, taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart. Man, she really wished she hadn't left her phone back in Matt's office when she had gotten her coffee. "OK, we have to get out of here."


81's sirens were the only thing that Matt could hear above his racing heart as he switched between looking out the window and calling over the radio. "61, what is your location?" he tried again. Nothing came through the radio, and Matt fidgeted in his seat, refraining from snapping at Stella, who, despite whatever was happening between her and Sylvie, had her foot glued to the accelerator. "61, respond! Do you hear me?"


"We're past West Cermak now," Tony told Kelly, his foot similarly all the way on the accelerator, their rig roaring down the streets.

"Alright, keep your eyes open," Kelly ordered. "God only knows where they ended up."

"Copy that," Capp nodded, shifting in his seat to get a view out both windows.

Joe did the same, one hand in a fist against the window. Kelly refrained from telling his friend to keep himself calm.

He'd be a hypocrite if he even tried, considering he was torn between finding Sylvie to help her or ordering Tony to stop the rig by whoever thought it was a good idea to mess with their honorary squad member.


Gianna squirmed, trying to free herself, but she winced. "Brett, I'm stuck!"

"OK," Sylvie nodded, shifting back in her seat. She managed to get her legs out from under the dash, and she lifted them as high as she could. She slammed her left boot into the windshield, pushing with all her might. The glass frame creaked, starting to push outward. Gianna lifted her feet up, too, and she joined Sylvie in kicking the glass.

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