Chapter Twenty-Five

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I would've loved to have this chapter done last night to celebrate the return of One Chicago (it definitely wasn't happening Monday), but geez, I felt a lot of pressure to get the majority of it right. This has what a lot of people have been waiting for, and . . . well, let's just say I spent a lot of time rereading to make sure it was what I would be satisfied with waiting to read. I'm satisfied, so I hope readers are, too.

On another note . . . I have only seen the Chicago Fire premiere, and I have decided that Squad 3 are 100% my favorite crew, and any arguments made are null and void. Honestly, the loyalty and bond those four men have with each other . . . if anything, Joe, Tony, and Capp would probably follow Kelly anywhere he went. I know I'll definitely include at least the dive rescue because now that I know how it ends, I know how I'll wrap up the Chicago plotline. I think after what I do to some characters, everyone will like the twist I write.

Oh, and welcome back 9-1-1, too. XD I didn't forget about you, I promise, you just premiered less than 24 hours after I updated the previous chapter, so there wasn't really anything I could do to celebrate you. I guess consider this chapter a "welcome back 9-1-1, One Chicago, and Law & Orders" celebration? Can that work out?

OK, that's enough. On to what everyone wants to read!

*clears throat* Grainger has the only braincell of the Chicago crews, Tommy takes control of the situation that gets dropped in her lap, the 126 is grateful TK and Buck are Dumbasser and Dumbassest, Owen learns what Buck and TK risked, the Sylverasey reunion everyone's been waiting for, and a stand-off with De Leon leads to an uproar that causes Deputy Chief Radford to make a decision.

Enjoy a dangerous combination of angst and fluff!


"So they just . . . drove off with Buckley, Strand, and Diaz?" Delaney asked, looking around the other Chicago firefighters. "Without saying a single word?"

"Not a word at all," Boden shook his head.

"I mean, one moment we saw the Squad firefighters getting food, but the next they were gone," Herrmann shrugged. "I guess that's when Severide grabbed them."

Grainger frowned, hands on his hips. "I know Casey and Severide are the types to go off and do their own things . . . is Squad 3 always right behind them, though?"

"Not always," Mouch shook his head. "Though they're loyal to a fault to Severide. If they followed both Severide and Casey . . . "

"Something lit a fire under their asses," Herrmann agreed.

Delaney nodded, then noted the way Grainger had stiffened. "Grainger?" he asked.

"I might have an idea," Grainger said slowly, turning to look at where the paramedics were gathered.

"Well, anything filling in would be helpful," Stella scoffed, downing the rest of her water bottle.

"When there's something to fill in, I will," Grainger countered. "Excuse me, would you?"

He turned on his heel and headed to the paramedics, making Delaney frowned. "He knows there's something to fill in."

"Oh, absolutely," Herrmann agreed.

Grainger walked up to where Maddie was still speaking quietly to Nancy, the woman with tear tracks down her face. He saw Violet with her arm around Gianna, the younger paramedic looking close to a panic attack, and he took a deep breath. "It's Brett up there, isn't it?" he asked.

Danger Zone (File One of The First Responders Files)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن