Chapter 20 The Archives

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Chapter 20 The Archives

By the end of the second evening, everyone, even Gwen, had fought with the White Demon. However, not all of them finished their training. At least six of them had failed to finish their week and called it quits. However, the White Demon just beat them up and threw them out. Etrician, Eleanor, Dagen, Dean, Rowan and myself were having a meeting about those who didn't make the cut. 'We need to push them harder,' I protested. 'We all need to be at the same level.'

'They won't, though,' Dagen shook his head. 'None of them look like you. You have mental abilities because you stole them from a demon. They aren't what you are. They won't get to the same level you are.'

A deep guttural growl came from my throat, and Rowan quickly put his hand on mine, 'Hey, calm yourself. Dagen's an idiot, but he's telling the truth. Even after all of them fought the White Demon, only three have discovered a perk; the others haven't. There's very little we know about the Watchers. Of course, the council members would have known-'

Eleanor slammed her hand on the dining room table, making everyone jump. 'The archives!' She glanced at Etrician, who just shrugged. She rolled her eyes exasperatedly. 'In America, there is a giant sub-terranean warehouse that holds...' she gestured with her arms, 'damn, anything you can think of that is magical or cursed, as well as books, scrolls about myths, magic, legends of the world.'

Etrician groaned. 'Area 51, really?'

'Wait, Area 51, the alien place?' Dean asked.

Rowan smirked at him. 'Aha! Something you clearly didn't read. It was a Pegasus incident. A portal opened up, and a Pegasus came out. People saw it, and it became a huge cover-up. That was in recent magical history.' He looked so proud.

Eleanor sighed. 'Yes, well. Area 51 is where we need to go. We just need permission.'

'From the T.A.T,' Dagen said.

Etrician pointed at Eleanor, 'Did Hadriana own it or run it?'

She nodded. 'Yes. But she had to hand it over to Tara when Tara discovered what was in it. Damn, my sister. It was her link to the magical black market.'

'Which she spearheaded,' Dagen muttered. Eleanor heard it but didn't say anything against it. Slowly she got up and left the room while the rest of us heard nothing from upstairs. It irked me that everyone was still asleep. They needed to be on their feet, ready to fight again but nothing.

I saw Dagen stare at my tail as it twitched. 'What's pissing you off now?'

'Nothing.' I spat.

'She's probably annoyed that the others haven't got out of bed,' Dean told him. 'To be fair, she's got a point. I know they got beat up and whatnot, but we need to get them into shape and get a plan. So far, we just have that weird sword-'

'A khopesh,' I told him.

'-with the damning understanding that Antov, Brunin and the others can't be saved.' He concluded then groaning lent on the table, burying his head in his arms.

There was silence and then I said something which was completely apparent but yet no one had said it. 'We may need the help of the teachers at the academy.'

'You what?' Rowan asked.

'They may not be Watchers, but they have extensive training in killing demons.' Dean huffed and glanced up, staring at me with tired eyes. 'We have no way of knowing how many of these followers are in the respective countries. Not to mention the actual demons that will be around them. I think we need to split up.'

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