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"San Lang!" Xie Lian chides. "You're always springing things on people. And never with any context." The god sighs. "Look Pei Xiu," he says turning his attention to the deputy. He has an air of seriousness about him that wasn't there a moment ago. Whatever's about to be said must be taken seriously. Pei Xiu is almost scared.

"I know you're trustworthy, and you know I've shown I trust you however, some things are best unknown. Not just for the well being but the physical safety of you. Those who know are in danger." He says. And somehow Hua Cheng knows he isn't on about black water.

"But you clearly know? And you?" Pei Xiu looks over to the other. Hoping for more context, a scrap of information, a slight clue as to what's going on?

Hua Cheng sags defeated. Even he can't reveal the truth. "As much as I'd love to tease you, gege is right. For your safety you shouldn't pry. After the ordeal is over then you can pry but for now..." Hua Cheng trails off.

"For now you must remain oblivious." Xie Lian finished. "I can't loose you Pei Xiu." He says placing a hand to the boys arm. "And don't worry mine and San Lang's knowing are under different circumstances. We won't be killed because of our knowledge."

Hua Cheng nods. Then smiles to the deputy. "How about you head back first?" He suggested. "I'll just have a quick word with gege and then send him up, yes?" Pei Xiu shuffles. "Alright, and uhh... say hi to Ban Yue." He adds awkwardly shuffling away.

Hua Cheng chuckles. Love.

Speaking of love the ghost turns to the god. "With the way you were talking I almost thought you were worried about He Xuan." He says softly. Xie Lian huffs. "He'll be a challenge but I'm not worried about him." Worried for him? Xie Lian is worried for a lot of people. Gods ghost humans alike.

Hua Cheng humms. "And he wouldn't kill those who knew, especially Pei Xiu, he knows that little general is yours."

Xie Lian fidgets. "You don't know that." He does. They both do. He Xuan may be dead set on revenge. But it's only one or two people he's obsessed over. The others knowing are fine as long as no one tries to stop him.

"And you never did answer little Pei's question. Tell us gege who's a step ahead of the emperor?"

Xie Lian laughs softly. "He Xuan naturally."

Then Hua Cheng places a hand on the gods shoulder. It forces Xie Lian to look at him. "Gege your hiding from me." He says.

"Do you think Pei Xiu was right? Is it all going to well? Are we overlooking," he stumbles. "Are we missing something? Something big that we don't know?"

"A threat?" Hua Cheng offers.

Xie Lian nods. "A threat."

"Of who? Of what?"

Xie Lian looks away again and up at his statue. "San Lang I lied." He says. "The emperor isn't just one step ahead. He's one step ahead of me. If I'm three steps ahead what I think he's ahead of then he'll be four steps ahead. He deceived me many times. Who's to say he's not decided to do it again? I am nothing but a toy for him... yet I'm precious enough that he'll allow me to do that which no one else may."

Xie Lian slumps to the floor. "San Lang I'm scared." He whispers.

"Your highness your back!" Pei Xiu calls from the door when Xie Lian returns. "Hello lil XiuXiu, anything happen while I was gone?"

The deputy shakes his head. "Not really but... someone's here to see you."

"Oh? Who is it? I hope they haven't been waiting long." The god says quickening his pace. "No I don't think they've been waiting long, but he seems... stressed."

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