The statue was stunning. Like everything his Cheng does. So much so Xie Lian goes weak at the knees. It's carved to perfection, with gorgeous smooth curves and sharp precise details. San Lang had mutter a low 'It was him in infinite glory.' Adding almost shyly that, 'gege will never not be bathed in infinite glory.' He could cry. The fact someone still sees him in such divine light. The fact San Lang still see him like this, knowing all he does, it's just...

"San Lang-" He breaths staring at the statue. "I know, I'm sorry gege, you said you wanted a small one but I couldn't help it!" Hua Cheng says. Xie Lian can hear the devotion in his voice. "I couldn't help it."

Xie Lian almost wants to tease the other. Of course he 'couldn't help it.' He can never 'help it' when it comes to Xie Lian. Usually he's cheekily grinning when saying such a line, or his eye would be dark with desires, but this time it's said so genuinely that Xie Lian can't tease.

He really loves this man. "No no, it's okay it.. it's..." Xie Lian smiles tears pricking his eyes. "It's so beautiful, I don't... I shouldn't..."

"Gege!" Hua Cheng yelps pulling the boy into a tight hug. "I'm sorry! I'll make a new one, a smaller one." He rushes. Then glares at the carving tools as if they caused a mass murder. Xie Lian struggle to calm down his overwhelming love for this man.

"San Lang." Xie Lian says placing a hand on the ghost cheek. It trembles slightly but it still does the job. "Don't glare. You've once again captured my heart and souls with they work you produce."

"I've had much practice. But I still can do better." The ghost mumbles. Xie Lian shakes his head thumbing over the black eyepatch. "No San Lang, it's so gorgeous. Too much so that I, I'm scared." He admits softly.

"I don't deserve it. Your devotion is so beautifully overwhelming to a simple god like me." He sniffs. "You see me in such a way I could never view myself. Not anymore. Sorry I'm so ungrateful." He pulls his hand back wiping his eyes. "But I still love it, and I love you." He laughs chocking back a sob.

Hua cheng softens his gaze. He reaches down grasping the hand that just wiped the gods eyes. "No gege, dianxia, you deserve the world, and I will give it to you." He promised. His one eye gazes so lovingly Xie Lian thinks he might come apart under it.

"You are heavens greatest blessing." He says. "Truly you are." The god shakes his head. "Not anymore, my time has long since ended. But that's okay. Now I just want you." He whispers. "I would never lie to you dianxia. But heaven is no place for you anymore if he is still there." Then Hua Cheng brings a hand up to his lips and presses lightly in promise, "You have me gege, always and forever." He says softly pulling the god into an embrace. "Never forget that."

In the next week when a temple had been finished. And now standing proudly in the centre was Xie Lian's giant white jade statue. The god could only stare dumbly taking it all in.

The temple itself was situated on one of the most busy streets in the ghost city and for good reason too. You see this wasn't just a flower crown martial arts temple of Xie Lian, oh no this was a gateway.

In simple terms the temple was twined with an identical temple in the human realm. It was situated in a little rural village called Puqi. Very unassuming.

What made this gateway so special was that it opened up the two realms. To the ghosts in the ghost city the gate was open all year round. Even certain gods of Xie lians choosing could use the temple as a means to get to and from without causing suspicion with the officials watching the main ghost city gate.

As well as that it meant ghosts didn't have to wait for the gates to open on festival nights. They can now come and go as they please and make it seem as if there's no activity happening.

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