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Xie Lian collapses on the floor. "Didi?" He Xuan asks walking into the reception room of nether water manor. Then seeing the god quickens his previously. "Xie Lian?" He says.

Xie Lian shakes a little getting up and brushing down his robes. "I'm alright gege. How are you?" He Xuan frowns. "Didi, don't lie. It's unbecoming."

Xie Lian laughs. "You sound like Pei Xiu. I'm fine, just tired. Maybe upset."

He Xuan pauses. "What did Hua Cheng do?" He asks lowly. Xie Lian smiles. "We'll technically nothing, but also everything." Xie Lian sighs. "I don't know I'm just... I slapped him."

"You slapped him?!" He Xuan grins. "We'll I slapped a hua Cheng. Not the one I love."

"There's one you don't love?!" He Xuan says louder.

Xie Lian laughs. "No no! Just someone entered paradise manor and pretended to be San Lang, and questioned me on heaven and I said some things that- well I had to play along since I think they were a heavenly official. And-" Xie Lian sags.

"It's alright she- Xie Lian. You're tired right? You can nap in-" He Xuan grabs his head brows pinching.

"I think actually, gege," Xie Lian says walking over and gently grabbing the boys arm. "That you should rest. You almost called me..." Xie Lian shakes his head. Best not go there. "Is your heart still messing up your mind? Is there a way I can help?" He asks instead.

He Xuan laughs bitterly. "How am I not to when you even look like her. Speak like her. Act like her. It's like I'm being tortured."

Xie Lian sighs. "I don't think being compared in beauty to a man is a compliment to her ge- He Xuan." Xie Lian says.

"Don't call me that, and besides if it's you I'm comparing her too then it's fine." Xie Lian tilts his head. "Your the crown prince of Xian le. The white lotus. The pure jade. Your beauty is that of which no one can deny."

Xie Lian flushes. "Don't call me that. My kingdom just had equal balances of Yin and Yang. That's all. My body mind and soul are balanced. Beauty is just a side effect."

He Xuan snorts at that. "Not really. Your kingdom was known for beauty. And riches and music and of course the crown prince himself." Xie Lian bow his head. "Stop." He whispers. "I'm not him anymore."

He Xuan pauses. "You'll always be him didi, for better or worse. He's a part of you. A part you shouldn't abandon." Xie Lian huffs pulling the other along again. "Enough off topic talk. Are you feeling mentally clarified?" He Xuan snorts again. "What do you think?" Xie Lian elbows him. "Ow hay! You even scold me like her. Are you sure you weren't connected somehow?"

Xie Lian shakes his head. "As much as I'd love to, I'm not and I'm much older than both of you. You're lucky I call you gege and not the other way around."

"But my sister is younger. She called me gege." Xie Lian sighs. "So it's a comfort." He Xuan laughs opening up a huge door. "You being alive is a comfort."

Xie Lian giggles walking into the room. "Gege is this your bedroom?" He Xuan shakes his head. "Nah my nap room is much messier than this. I'm using this one so you don't scold me." Xie Lian snorts. "I see-"

The grabbing his temple. 'Your highness." A voice calls over an array. Xie Lian tilts his head. "Ling Wen is trying to contact me." He says to He Xuan. "Why?" The other asks flopping onto the bed. Xie Lian shrugs sitting gracefully on the edge. "Yes Ling Wen?" He asks out loud so He Xuan can hear.

'Thank god you're okay! Ming Yi is missing and there talk of a god in ghost it's causing havoc, Hua Cheng fuming!'

Xie Lian furrows his brows. "Oh? Why is he so angry because I left?"

'Exactly your highness, where are you I thought you were coming up to heaven and that's why you left?'

Xie Lian sags. "I got sidetracked. But it's okay I found Ming Yi. He's fine. I'll bring him up." There's a faint whine in the background but Xie Lian ignores it.

'Your highness please stay focused, and bring him up, maybe you should stay up here in your palace. The emperor has made sure is ready to be used. It may be a nice break from that controlling husband of yours.'

"Fiancé." Xie Lian corrects. "We never properly married."

'Well you shouldn't, with the way he treats you it's not proper. You need a husband that can care for you, and appreciate you.'

And control me? Xie Lian thinks to himself.

"Alright thank you for your concern Ling Wen I'll be up soon I promise, I'll even come see you personally."

'Thank you, that will lessen my worries.'

And with that the communication array ends. "Didi! Why did you say you'll take me back? I only just got back to my little babies." He Xuan whines. Xie Lian flops back resting his head on the others legs. "Gege I know who was impersonating San Lang." He Xuan perks up. "Oh? So it was a god?" Xie Lian pouts. "Yeah... I should have known."

"Oh," He Xuan says looking at Xie Lian's expression. "I know who it was."

As promised Xie lian brought He Xuan or Ming Yi back up to heaven with him and immediately went to the palace of Ling Wen. "I'm here, sorry I just find so many scraps, and well- you know my title. And Ming Yi was napping under a plum tree." Xie Lian laughs sheepishly.

He's found he can get away with a lot of he plays into oblivion and mass people pleaser. Ling Wen looks more than stressed but it lightens somewhat when she sees them. Oh wait, she's in her male form. Strange. "There you are your highness. And you. Why do you always disappear." Ling Wen chides staring at He Xuan. "I like to nap with the earth." He Xuan says. "Is that why its called earth master? Fitting for you."

Ling Wen looks baffled. "No your highness, Ming Yi's ability to nap anywhere was not a requirement for the role of earth master." Xie Lian thinks it over. "But are we sure? Have we tested the theory?"

"I ascend when I was napping under a tree." He Xuan says. "Oh I did that once!" Xie Lian replies happily. Ling Wen sighs. "Ming Yi your followers are calling for you. And your highness," they says turning. "I would like a word. "Oh okay. I'll see you later gege. Try not to nap too much!" He smiles.

He Xuan shrugs stalking off. "Ah he's so much work." Xie Lian complains. "Your highness why do you call him gege? Surely you are older."

Xie Lian laughs awkwardly. "Well maybe in age but unfortunately not in looks. I'm still 17 he's 23. He called me didi just assuming and we'll, it stuck." He laughs. "I don't mind though, it's nice to have a brother. Someone to look after me, he's tried to get me to leave San Lang so many times." Xie Lian looks around. "He doesn't approve." He whispers.

Ling Wen nods. "Well I'm not surprised." Xie Lian sighs. "Also Ling Wen why are you in your male form? Did something happen?"

The civil god nods. "En. I had to travel to the mortal realm. And it seemed I tired myself out too much so I'm in this form to regain strength, lest we forget I'm represented as male so this form is more comfortable and powerful." She says. Why does it sound like she's gloating?

"Oh I see, do you need anything? San Lang always kisses me to replenish my spiritual power. Have you someone who can do the same?"

Ling Wen pauses eyes narrowing. "No..." she says slowly. "And although I'm sure Pei Ming would offer I refuse to give him the satisfaction. Perhaps your hig-"

"Ah well it's a good thing you're back then. With this place's unlimited power I'm sure you'll be back to your usual self in no time." He beams. Ling Wen sighs again. "Yes. I'm sure."

Xie Lian laughs. "Also do you know why San Lang was so angry? Did he contact heaven?" Ling Wen shakes his head. "No not yet, but I'm almost positive he will."

Xie Lian nods along. "Mmn, yes perhaps your right. Or maybe he'll make you go to him." He says quieter.

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