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Xie Lian knew the answer a week later. 'Your highness are you free for a mission? The emperor's busy and can't go himself.' Xie Lian sighs placing several scrolls down. 'Sure Ling Wen please give me a moment and I'll meet you in your palace.'

"San Lang?" Xie Lian calls walking out of the scroll room. Eyes tired but loving. Even with all the paperwork recently he still can't help but feel like the luckiest god there is.

Hua cheng appears before him smiling. "Gege? What's wrong I thought you had... scroll stuff to do?" He asks. Xie Lian giggles. "I do, but I won't be able to complete it. Ling Wen has given me a mission from the emperor. So I'll have to leave for a while." Hua Cheng smirks. "Oh he's called has he?"

Xie Lian nods wacking the boys arm. "San Lang get that look off your face." Hua Cheng pouts. "Gege is that anyway to treat your husband." Xie Lian pouts. "We're not married yet." He says. Hua cheng wraps the god up in his arms. "Soon. Then gege can rule by my side, like the prince he was born to be." Xie Lian shakes his head a light blush on his cheek. "Until then san Lang can sort out the new temple paper work. As it's in his domain."

Hua cheng pouts. "But Gege is the god! I'm just a devotee, besides my calligraphy is awful." Xie Lian smiles patting the man's shoulder. "Ah so I should add more calligraphy lessons to the list too shall I? Here." The god pulls out a stamp. "Just authenticate the paper work for me please? I'll owe you."

Hua cheng snatches the stamp in record time. "I love it when Gege owes me." He grins. Xie Lian stutters in his movement. "W-well I'll be off. Bye!" He says hurriedly. Hua cheng waves lazily a smile on his face. "Bye bye gege~"

"Ling Wen? I'm here." The woman looks up from her desk. "Ah your highness, perfect timing here." She hands over a scroll sparing a glance to the gods eye bags. "There's been some kidnappings recently on this mountain. All brides. They say it's a ghost groom, a wrath level. The emperor's asked that you would please go sort it out." Xie Lian nods opening the scroll. "Of course I'll get it done as soon as possible." He says.

Ling Wen pauses. "Are you okay? You seem quite tired." She asks. Xie Lian laughs. "And you don't? No worries needed i'm just overlooking a new project. My followers so kindly asked permission to build another temple and I have been approving the paperwork."

The civil god raises her brows. "A mouthed temple? Not a shrine?" She asks. Xie Lian shakes his head. "No, unfortunately I didn't lay down any ground rules and now they're carving the temple out of marble and jade. It's very embarrassing." He admits. But so much like San Lang and his ghost children. He adds in his head. "A marble temple with carved jade? It's very fitting of a royal such as yourself." Xie Lian flushes. "Your too kind, but I worry I've spoiled them too much. What will be next the largest statue to ever grace the earth. I dread to think." He complains then waves a hand laughing. "I should get going now, times ticking."

Ling Wen looks a as if she wants to ask more but stops herself asking instead, "Do you need any weapons? Helpers?" Xie Lian scratches his cheek. "No need, and I don't think anyone will volunteer either." Then smiling. "I'm not exactly popular." Ling Wen looks pensive. "It's okay, I'm used to doing things on my own." He says turning to leave. "I'll sort it don't worry." He waves.

Ling Wen hesitates then calls out. "Then go with heaven officials blessing... and may.. may you shatter..." She sighs. "Show the heavens who you are your highness." She settles on.

Xie Lian turns eyes crinkling as he smiles. "Don't worry I'll have this done and dusted in no time."

"San Lang, something doesn't seem right." Xie Lian says looking over the scroll back at his temple. "What's wrong gege?" Hua Cheng says still stamping scroll after scroll. Xie Lian humms. "I don't know, it's just, this doesn't seem like a ghost groom. Ive looked around and there's no Ming Guang temples. They all burnt down."

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