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"This is your temple?" Shi Qingxuan asks stunned. Xie Lian flushes hiding behind Pei Xiu. "I mean, well, I suppose..." he stutters. "Your highness shall we?" Pei Xiu says stepping forward. Xie Lian nods gesturing forward. "Of course. You know the way.

Pei Xiu nods leading the group through the temple. "Y-your highness!" Shi Qingxuan gasps. "That's a white jade statue! And it's so big!! Bigger than the emperor's!! My gosh I thought you had no believers? But this?? Wow." The breath.

Xie Lian scratches his cheek. "Ah well this village knows me well and the errr... benefactor is quite the devotee." He says. "They must be rich too. Just look at that- is that gold?! Your highness I'm so jealous!" They giggle.

"This ways Shi Qingxuan! You can look better later."

"Why? Where are we to go?" They ask confused. "This door." Xie Lian say. "Let us talk her Shi Qingxuan, it's a much nicer room!" Xie Lian says bursting open the door and dragging the god by the hand. "Whoa-"

Xie Lian looks so proud when they enter. "See much better." Xie Lian says nodding. "Yes much more free. Now we can say anything without heaven listening in."

"Wait what?" Shi Qingxuan questions. Xie Lian grins strained. "You heard me."

"Umm." He Xuan says staring around and ignoring the two gods. "Isn't this the-"

"Private temple for his highness? Yes. Yes it is. That fact alone begs the question... Why are you here?"

Xie Lian bounces up letting go of the tense eye contact he has with the wind master. "San Lang!"

"Gege." The voice chimes. "Welcome back. Have I told you I hate your choice in friends?"

Xie Lian pouts. "San Lang!" He chides. Hua Cheng sighs. "Fine not Pei Xiu, but everyone else."

He Xuan huffs nearly amused. Hua Cheng looks over to him bored. "Why have you brought..." he looks He Xuan up and down. "Two gods here?" Xie Lian deflates. "I want Shi Qingxuan to know about what we're doing." Hua Cheng stops glaring at the ghost in god disguise and moves his focus over. "Isn't that-" Hua Cheng squints. Then booms out a laugh.

"I can't believe it. Shi Wudu's brother? Here? With with him?!" He wheezes. "My my. This is far to good!"

Shi Qingxuan steps forward not sure of what's happening but wanting to stand up for him anyway. "My brother has nothing to do with this! I'm here for Xie Lian and Xie Lian only!"

Hua Cheng stops. "Xie Lian?" Said boy sights. "San Lang don't-"

"Xie Lian huh? That's an awfully familiar title you know. How long have you known him?"

"San Lang." Xie Lian warns.

"Two centuries? Two decades?" The ghost gasps mock shock. "Two hours?" He deadpanned.

"San Lang!" Xie Lian says. "Whatttt?" The ghost whines. "I didn't even say anything..."

Shi Qingxuan frowns. "So what. I'm good friends with him now that we cleared up the misunderstanding. Although I half fell for the whole bed warmer thing at least I went to check the claims instead of gossiping over nonsense bullying"

Xie Lian slaps his head. "Oh dear." He says. Pei Xiu pats the gods shoulder. "It's alright. Shi Qingxuan will not be hurt this way." Xie Lian nods. "But everyone else will."

"A bed warmer? A warmer of beds? Someone who lays waiting warming a bed? A bed warmer?!" Hua Cheng roars. "Who dare spout such nonsense in front of me?! Who dare slander his highness with claims of impossibility?! I'll kill them! I'll burn the heavens down and when they scream I'll laugh in their face!"

"San Lang!" Xie Lian yells grabbing onto the man. "Calm down. They're just meaningless words. They mean nothing-"

Pei Xiu whistles. "You seemed upset over them earlier though."

"Pei Xiu!" He scolds. Hua Cheng grins. "See told you I like Pei Xiu. And this is why."

"Charmed." Pei Xiu says flatly.

"Now about destroying heaven. Who oh who started this rumour?" Xie Lian groans dragging Hua Cheng's sleeve. "That's not important!" He Xuan and Hua Cheng glare at him.
"I mean- umm that's not important right now." The two huff in sink.

"Fine. Tell your god friends what's going on then."

A rather long explanation later Shi Qingxuan is on the flood their head in their hands. "And pei ming knows too? What about Ling Wen? Or my brother?" Then glaring over. "And why are you so calm?!"

He Xuan shrugs. "I already knew."

Shi Qingxuan huff. "Right because your his precious gege."

"Gege?" Hua Cheng repeats glaring the ghost in disguise. "It's true." He says. "Tell him didi."

Xie Lian shudders. "It's going to be such a long night."

"It most certainly will be your highness." The ghost king says sternly staring the smaller god down.

Xie Lian coughs waving a hand. "Anyway, Shi Qingxuan you must not talk about this, not to Pei Ming not to your brother. Not to anyone unless they already know and it's in here."

"I-I... my brother really should know. Why can't we bring him here? If Pei Ming knows then my brother will understand. Maybe Ling Wen can't help and-"

"No!" Xie Lian panics. "Sorry sorry, but Ling Wen must never ever know." He says. "Please you must keep this a secret. Otherwise we will fail."

"And we can't afford failure." He Xuan says. "So keep it quite or an accident may just happen."

Xie Lian pulls on his sleeve. "Gege..." he says softly. "Later." He Xuan grumbles back quietly. "Fine."

Shi Qingxuan gets up brushing their robes down. "I- I'll keep it a secret. And only talk about it in your temple."

Xie Lian giggles. "Not my temple above. This one below."

"Yeah your in his highnesses private temple in the ghost city." Hua Cheng says plainly.

"Oh right. Okay unless I'm-" they pause. "G-ghost city??"

He Xuan laughs. "It's all falling down for heaven! It's last hour strikes! It's incredible!"

Hua Cheng laughs along with him. "Now that's what I like to see."

Xie Lian just sighs shaking his head. "Ignore them Shi Qingxuan, come I'll serve you tea, this way." He says gesturing to the temple door.

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