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"So." Xie Lian says standing with the two by the city gates of half moon pass. It really had changed with a war and time the once proud city gates were crumbling. Rubble and tattered flag still lay on the ground.

"What sort of problems are we going to face in here?" Hua Cheng scoffs. "You mean how much trouble is little Pei Xiu going to be in when you inevitably carry his sorry god ass through this huge mess."

Xie Lian swats at the ghost. "San Lang! Be nice. XiuXiu has trusted us to help him, so help we will. Besides don't act like it doesn't benefit us equally. Just another step in the plan right?" He says softly linking arms. "You're too kind to those who don't deserve it. Take me for example." Hua Cheng huffs.

"San Lang. You deserve more than I can give and I'll happily see to it you get everything you want, but first I need your help rounding up these ghosts." Hua Cheng laughs happily leading the way still arm in arm with the god. "I am at your infinite disposal your highness."

The god humms then turns to see Pei Xiu standing somewhat frozen. "It's like it was yesterday these gates opened for me. My men, the fighting and shouting. I was supposed to prove myself. This was my chance. Without her help- without your teachings-" the boy sighs. "I don't deserve my title if, it's caused so much trouble for you both." "Damn right you don-ow. Gege!" Hua Cheng whines as he's hit.

Xie Lian walks over to his deputy and places a genital hand on his shoulder. "She helped you because she believed in you. I helped you because I saw potential. You didn't force us to do that, that's on us. The rest however, is on you. The choices, the dedication and the hard work. Mistakes and accomplishments made by your hand, they all land on you." He says. Then patting the arm and linking it with his own. Ignoring an offended ghost king and leading the two through the gates he grins. "At least you're actively trying to fix what you now know was wrong." Then speaking softer. "Have you see her recently? My little Ban Yue?" Pei Xiu shakes his head. "I send down clones so I'm not caught. I let them take over and very rarely monitor what they do. At the beginning I used to come down first hand. I lead a group here after learning to control the scorpion tailed snakes. You can only find the antidote in the palace gardens." He sighs pointing to the distance. "I heard a yell followed by a scream. It was a man and a girl. I followed it, the humans came with me and that's when I saw her for the first time since my ascension. They had her tied to the same damn plank they did all those years ago."

Pei Xiu starts to breath heavily. "She didn't deserve that. YueYue was always so kind. She helped the people like you taught her too. I forced her into this world in your name and she went so willingly- so blindly." He says voice breaking. "Once she opened those gates they must have taken her and killed her on spot over the sinners pit. I saw her there. So lifeless. Her clothes were tattered. Her crown shattered at her feet. Her hair blowed all over in the wind but I could she she was smiling. She was nailed with her snakes to this beam but she seemed to hold no resentment. Under all this pain she had gone through when she was killed because of me, she still smiled." The younger sobs. "Why was she so happy to die to for me? Why has she kept quiet all this time to protect me? Why couldn't I have protected her like I promised you. General Hua, I failed. I've failed so badly please tell me was it worth it? Did I make the right choice?!"

Xie Lian sends a pained glance to Hua Cheng. The ghost nods understanding. Then focuses back to the boy. "Alright." The god says softly, barely above a whisper. "It's okay little one. Come here." At the old nickname Pei Xiu's breathing hitches and he launched at the open armed Xie Lian. He seems so small now in the gods arms. He clings so tightly to the him, it reminds the god of all those centuries ago when little honghonger cling to him so desperately. "General hua!" Pei Xiu cries into his robes. "General Hua, please." Xie Lian rubs the boys back. "It's alright, let it out." He soothes. "You've been so brave. A war is no place for children, and when it comes down to it you're still only a child."

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