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"Your highness!" Pei Ming calls happily as soon as he spots the god. "General." Xie Lian greets. "Would you like to come in? I can find some tea perhaps." He offers.

The taller god laughs. "No need to worry your highness, We can always go back to my palace, it seems you're under staffed." Xie Lian giggles nervously. "It's been just me for so long, I wouldn't know how to go about, if I had deputies and so on." He confessed. "But you're right, we should talk at your place. Please lead the way."

The general nods. "Also your highness, what would your-" Pei Ming coughs. "Would he be okay with me offering you my arm?" He asks offering the arm regardless. Xie Lian smiles kindly. "Maybe, maybe not." He says taking the arm. "But you have no ill will and I am rather fond of walking this way. Besides he wouldn't doubt my love for him. It's unwavering."

The two set out briefly pausing to watch the koi that swim happily in one of Xie Lian's many ponds. "I'm surprised they're still alive." He admits. "In fact I'm surprised my palace is still the way I left it." He sighs as the general leads the way.

"I'm not sure how much I should admit to you." Pei Ming laughs. "But I do see people tending to it every now and then."

Xie Lian pauses. "What? Really?" He asks shocked. Pei Ming nods. "It's true, I don't know who sends them." He laughs. "But they're always here around the same time each month." The two start walking again and Xie Lian sighs. "I see, thank you general." The taller shakes his head. "Please call me Pei Ming. I only wish to hear you call me general on the battle field."

Xie Lian laughs at that. "Pei Ming!" He scolds. "Please don't dig yourself a grave. San Lang will happily put you in one." The gods laughs together. Then Xie Lian remember. "Oh and Pei Ming my password for the communication array." He says. The man turns to nod. "Just repeat the ethics sutras a thousand times."

The god pauses. "Your highness..." he says mouth open. Xie Lian fakes innocence. "What? It's quite short compared to the wind masters password." He muses. "You know Shi Qingxuan's password?" Xie Lian stutters this time. "Well, yes but not from them specifically, I learnt it through my- I mean Ming Yi told me once." He says. "For emergency." He adds.

The general smirks. "To say your not well spoken off here, you know many high ranking gods and they don't seem to hate you." Pei ming says. "The earth master, wind master, rain master, Ling Wen, myself, even the emperor stands up for you if he hears uncalled for comments." Xie Lian smiles strained at that. "Ah is that so." He says quietly. "It is, although I'm quite surprised to hear you can speak to the earth master, he isn't sociable at all, I don't know why Shi Qingxuan hangs around him."

'I do.' Xie Lian things gravely. "Well I've known him for many many years, perhaps it's centuries now, time flys by you see." He says fondly patting his chest. "If only my mind could cater to all my memories. I'd file them neatly. Then I'd be a happy man."

Pei ming goes quiet for a while. "Your highness, has been through hardships." He eventually says. "Surely there are memories you'd love to forget."

"Of course, I'm sure we all have at least one memory we'd love to part with. However," he says looking up at the sky. "If I forget them, then I'm forgetting a part of my life that shaped me. I won't say I'm happy Pei Ming, we all hold regrets and troubles, but I'm definitely happier than I have ever been. And it's only thanks to my past that I'm better equipped to deal with the future."

The general humms thoughtfully and it reminds Xie Lian of Hua Cheng. He always does that when words can't explain how he feels. Usually after a messy confession or some weird wisdom Xie Lian spurts.

"You are quite the wise one. I'd say you rival even the oldest gods in knowledge. I'm honoured to serve you." Xie Lian splutters. "Don't say such things! You don't serve me! No one serves me. I- General Pei!" He whines. The gods laughs loudly and points ahead. "Look we've arrived." Xie Lian nods weakly. "Thank goodness."

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