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A lot apparently. Starting with the "temple master" who was eagerly awaiting Xie Lian and his guests.

"Ah your highness, I missed you." Hua Cheng says face smiling but eyes cold. "Unfortunately we aren't taking guests at the moment so kindly get lost." He says turning to the other two. Xie Lian gapes. "San Lang!" He scolds.

"Your temple master has a temper." Mu Qing scoffs. "I don't think he likes us." Feng Xin says sadly. "What a keen observation Feng Xin, now scram." Hua Cheng says. Pei Xiu sighs. "Unfortunately his highness brought them here himself. And although I hate them it's necessary to let them in." He frowns. San Lang goes up to the youngest god and pats his head. "Good job on hating them. I'm proud of you." Pei Xiu shrugs. "It's not hard I mean they're literally the worst."

"Stop it you two! Mu Qing and Feng Xin are right here! Have some decency... please." Xie Lian says sadly. Then turning to the two bows. "I'm sorry. Please allow me to apologise on their behalf." Then rising ignores a gaping Hua Cheng. "Please follow me."

"Gege!" Hua Cheng whines after them. "Gege I'm sorry don't be mad!" Xie Lian opens a door and gesturs for them to enter. The two gods hesitate. Seeing this px goes in first. "I'll lead the way Xie-ge." He says sheepishly. Xie Lian sighs nodding. "Alright, please follow XiuXi- Pei Xiu. Hell lead tge way." Then adding. "I promise it's safe."

The two nod entering after the deputy. "Gege..." hua Cheng says. "I'm not mad San Lang. Just... I don't want them to hate me when they're only just starting to tolerate me. Please, don't ruin this chance I have. Without them as my friends my heart hasn't been whole." Hua Cheng nods. "I'm sorry. It's not my intention to upset you. I just can't forgive them." He says cupping the shorter's chin. Xie Lian leans into it happily. "I know. I won't force you to like them. Or apologies for being rude." Hua Cheng's gaze hardens. "Right." He says sternly. "If you ever bow to them again... Gege I'll kill them." Xie Lian shivers. "Okay." He breaths. "I'm not joking your highness." Xie Lian smiles grabbing the ghosts hand. "I know. I love you."

Hua Cheng smiles. "I love you too. Let's go."

"Why is this just the same as the other side?" Mu Qing asks. Pei Xiu shrugs. "It's what his highness wanted." The god raises a brow. "What two identical temples? How is this even possible the temple from the outside wasn't this big." He asks irritated.

"It was big though. Like the ones in- that were once in xianle." Feng Xin says. Mu Qing looks distant for a second. "Whatever." He says softer. "Just what's going on?"

"I can answer that. But first I must have the audacity to ask something important of you both."

Mu Qing rolls his eyes "You already have the auda-"
"Ask anything of us dianxia." Feng Xin cuts in. "I sense something a miss. We want to help you. Please let us." Mu Qing grumbles. "Speak for yourself." Feng Xin glares at him. Mu Qing deflates. "Fine... what he said."

Xie Lian looks relieved. "I hope you know I'd never lie to you." He starts. "And I want to believe even though we have parted and your no longer working for me that you'll be on my side in this... challenging time."

Feng Xin's face turns worried. "Xie Lian what's wrong? Don't scare us with such talk. We will forever be on your side no matter how many centuries have passed."

"Someone got to keep your air head self safe in heaven." Mu Qing sighs.

"That means he cares also." Feng Xin translates. Xie Lian smiles. "Alright I'll explain." He says.

"As a powerful gods, you as well as the other big gods are be targeted. By a powerful enemy. An enemy so powerful the whole of heaven could crumble."

Mu Qing frowns, looking to Feng Xin. "I'm sorry to drag you into this but I must. I can't afford to loose you. No matter what you may think of me... you have always been my most trusted friends and I can't watch you disappear." Xie Lian wraps his arms around him. Mu Qing recognises it from his prince days. "Don't be scared. There's nothing to be nervous over." He says. Feng Xin picks up on it smiling. "Yeah. We're on your side remember. Time may have past but some things will always be the same." Xie Lian smiles. "Thank you."

"It's fine, but who is targeting us? Is it crimson rain? Black water? Hell is qi rong having a go?" Mu Qing asks laughing.

Xie lians laughs. "Not really. Umm san Lang is kinda also called crimson rain." He says stepping to the side. Hua Cheng grins changing forms as he steps forward. "It's really not a pleasure." He says wrapping an arm around Xie Lian. "Your here temporarily. I don't like you."

The two gods sighs. "So we can see." They say.

Xie Lian smiles. "San Lang is also my fiancé but that's not as important right now. As for who's targeting you. Like I told Pei Ming, I don't know if you want to know who's targeting you, it's not black water, definitely not that cousin of mine. And perhaps most importantly under no circumstances should you ever, ever, ever tell the emperor, or speak of what I'm about to say anywhere but here, unless we want absolutely chaos the likes of which even I would have a hard time controlling."

Xie Lian then blushes. "Ah but not that i think all powerful and what not, I just, a huge power store?" He questioned. "Umm years of... cultivation?" Hua Cheng tightens his grip. "Very devout aren't you dianxia." Xie Lian covers his face. "I thought we weren't lying. You only question your answer when you're hiding something." Feng Xin says curiously.

Xie Lian sighs. "We'll...You know my story better than anyone. Twice banished and all that." The men nod. "Where is this going? It's a dangerously sensitive topic your treading on." Feng Xin admits laughing nervously.

Xie Lian just raises a hand to his neck. "You know what's here right?" He asks the two. "Another sensitive topic." Mu Qing says huffing. "Uhh sorta." Xie Lian says pulling lightly at the silk band around his neck. "Don't frwk out like Pei Ming did okay." He says. Letting the band drop to the floor.

Mu Qing gasps as Feng Xin almost falls over stepping back shakily. "The fuck?!" He curses. "Holy cursed shackle-" Mu Qing says pointing. "Xie Lian I think you lost something."

Xie Lian curls into Hua Cheng still greatly embarrassed. "Generals I said not to freak out." He complains. "This isn't a freak out." Mu Qing says still staring. "No I'm kinda fucking freaking out not gonna lie." Feng Xin says. Face pale.

"How in the three realms do you loose something so hard to lose?"
Mu Qing says. "It's incredible really."Xie Lian flushes darker. "Fuck me that was a real shock. Your highness just how powerful are you?!" Feng Xin asks. Xie Lian bends down to pick the silk up gently the placing the silk back over his neck looks up. "I'm stronger than before...You can't tell anyone about this though, it would ruin the plan and I'd become a target." He warns.

"So your not currently a target right now?" Feng Xin asks. Xie Lian shakes his head. "No, the emperor believes I have no power and that I am weak and pliable in his hand. I hold no significance." Then he sighs. Hua Cheng hugs him close. "I'm also the one who's at the centre of it all. I hold all significance. In some ways I may have caused this." He admits.

Feng Xin sits on the floor. "Fuck." He says yet again. "Mu Qing do you know what he's saying?!" He asks in shock. Mu Qing hardens his face.
"The way you speak implies that the emperor is..." Xie Lian smiles sadly. "The emperor is not the man who you know him to be." Fern Xin rubs his head. "H-he is still the emperor? Right? Not a ghost or something?" He asks.

Xie Lian pauses. "We'll no, technically he's never not been the emperor, well he killed for that position, but we all have, he's always been the emperor, he just has changed he's," Xie Lian pauses cringing. He hates this part of the story. "He's a bit obsessed with me, and with turning me into him."

"He's very much obsessed with you."Pei Xiu chimes in. Xie Lian smiles sheepishly. "We uhh, had a similar start in our stories, but where he lost himself, I found myself."

Mu Qing sighs. "So you want to save us?" He says laughing. "You really always want to save us." He says. "I want to save the people. Let me save the people. Shit man..." Mu Qing says tubing his face. "You need a break your highness." Feng Xin says. "Just... can't we do this for you?" Mu Qing snorts. "Like he'd allow that."

Xie Lian smiles. "I want to protect and deal with the consequences of angering him myself when the time comes. I just need you to know so you can be safe. I don't know how he'll target you. But..."

"You're in the middle of taking down one of the biggest threats to heaven and the gods alike... we are here to uhh... help." Mu Qing says flustered. "Dude sort out your fucking emotions." Feng Xin snorts. "Says you! Your still on the floor!" Mu Qing yells.

Xie Lian smiles. Just like old times.

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