✽ Chapter 15 ✽

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They weren't lying because there Scott lay on one of the beach chairs, with a bottle in his right hand. "Skyyy." Oh, God. And now he was chanting my name.

Olive was with her arms crossed, looking at him with a look of embarrassment. "Where the fuck is Skylar?" he shouted, waving his arm around. Everyone else didn't even pay mind to the scene. They were in their own world.

"Scott?" I shook his shoulder since his eyes remained closed. Olive looked annoyed for a moment but relieved I was there to shut him up. I was still soaking wet from earlier and this night air was not helping.

"Skylar! My girl!" Scott sat up and looked me in the eye and I raised an eyebrow, looking back at Sterling and Colten. They caught the drift, so they went to help him up the chair and I took the bottle of booze off his hand. "Hey! That's mine!" he pouted, and I took Sterling's side and wrapped Scott's arm around my shoulder. We walked out of the party, not sparing a glance to anybody not even Olive.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Scott?" I said as we helped him up to the passenger of the car. He looked reluctant to speak as he propped himself up and looked out the front window and closed his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and looked back to the guys. "I'll take him home..." I spoke. They both nodded in acceptance and left.

"You sure?" Clara said as she stood beside Gabby.

"Don't worry. I don't bite." Scott chuckled in sarcasm, and I nodded at both of them.

"Ok, we'll see you later, then." I nodded and shut Scott's door and went over to the driving side.

"Your mom won't approve of this Scott," I turned the car on and got on the road.

I saw Scott turn his attention to me from the corner of my eye and he frowns. "She doesn't need to know, Sky."

I shook my head and continued to drive. The streets were now vacant, not even two cars were seen anywhere. I wasn't surprised since it was almost three in the morning.

I halted in my seat when we stopped on a red light, and I felt Scott's hand on mine. I looked over and he looked at me softly. My heart felt heavy on my chest as I recalled this same look when we laid together on the field. It was hard even glancing at him, so I looked away.

It still hurt seeing him attend to Olive instead of me. I'll never get used to that sort of treatment towards another girl who wasn't me. The only other person he has touched was me and I thought it would stay that way, but I guess I thought wrong.

"I don't even like her, Sky..." As if reading my thoughts Scott says and I grip the steering wheel. I didn't even notice my hand still on Scott's until I felt the hard clench going on between our hands.

I laughed. "You really expect me to believe that?" I pulled my hand away and laid it on my leg as we finally pulled up in front his and my house. "It really didn't seem that way," I swallowed and looked back at him. He looked guilty and regretful, but I didn't dare continue watching him. My heart could only take as much. "I'll help you out," I got off the car and proceeded to open his to get him out. He got off with ease but then stumbled as he took a step.

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