The race would be starting in twenty minutes. I was calm I knew I had much faster car than most of the people so I had a good Chance maybe even winning. The national anthem was finally over and I was walking torwards my Car. I saw Charles walking behind me so I slowed down. 

"Good luck Charles!" I said smiling. 

"for you too" he said looking down. 

I was ready in my car. The formation lap was ending and the lights would go out in few seconds. As soon as the red lights disappeared I hit the gas. I overtook like four people in the fisrt lap and by lap ten I was second. I won the race easily with almost 18second gap to Checo. I was so happy. 

"What whas the final order?" I asked my engineer.

"So you, Checo, Sainz, Russel, Alonso, Leclerc, Ocon, Vettel, Gasly and Albon top ten" He said

Charles Sixth I knew he must be devastated. I had to speak to him after the debrief. I drove to the podium and celebrated with my team. After the podium I did my interwiews and the press conference. I didn't see Charles at all. After that was quick debrief and I got to finally head to the hotel. I got to my room and took a long shower thinking how I could approach Charles. When I had dressed up I heard lound bang from the room next to me. 

"Shit Charles!" I realised and rushed out of the room. I knocked to the door. He didn't open it. I knocked again, still no answere. 

"Charles if you don't open that door now I will tell everyone your home address and your phone number" Still no answere. I finally by accident pushed the door handle and the door was open. I gasped. Charles was standing there with puffy eyes blood in his hand and the tv was on the floor shattered. 

"Charles what happened" I asked. He didn't say anything he just started to cry and fell to the ground.

"Charles" I whispered and rushed to him and took him in my arms. He just started ugly crying more. I was quiet, I didn't know what to say so I just rocked him in my arms and shushed him. The crying was starting to stop a little. 

"Do you want to tell me what is wrong?" I asked. 

"I'm a failure" Charles whispered and started to cry again even heavier. 

"No you are not, you are so stong and great driver" I assured him. 

"I have lost everything" He was sobbing. 

"I have lost my fater, godfather, my best friend, the Championchip and Charlotte, no one loves me" and now He could not breathe anymore. I turned him to face me. 

"Charles look at me and follow my breathing, In thru the nose out thru the mouth" I tried to get him breathe. This was definitely panick attack. when his breathing was slowly getting better I took him in my arms again. 

"I promise everything will be fine" I tried to comfort him. 

"I want to go home" he cried. 

"I know Charlie I know" I had tears in my eyes as well. It broke me to see him like this. 

"I know that you can't get your dad or Jules or Anthoine back but they will always cheer you from the sky and proteckt you" I said. 

"Yeah I know" he said a little more calm by now. 

"But I'm still failure. I could not win this freacking Championchip or I was never even close to winning it" Now he started crying again. 

"Charles it's not your fault that ferrari is so shit and can't get their stategy or car right. You can't do anything else than your best and you have done that every weekend" I was speaking the truth and I knew that deep down Charles knew that too. 

"And Charlotte just stopped loving me. Am I so horrible pearson that every one that I love just leaves me" Now he was sobbing again. This must be the most sensitive topic. 

"Some people are just not meant to be and you were not meant to be. I know you will find someone that loves you like you deserve to be loved" I was speaking about myself but I could not bring myself to tell that to him now that he was this devestated. 

"But what if I don't" Now he looked me in the eyes with his red puffy eyes. 

"You will" i said and smiled. He burried his face into my shirt. 

"I'm sorry you probably wanted to celebrate you victory and I'm just ruining your night" He apologised. 

"There is nowhere else that I would rather be right now than here. You clearly need someone so I won't leave you" I said smiling. 

"Thank you" he whispered.

"and I'm sorry that I spilled my drink on you today on purpose"

"It's okay" I assured. "Show me your hand, I can see blood" I said. He showed me his hand and I had to fight hard not to gasp, it looked so bloody. 

"Come on we have to Clean it" I said and guided him to the bathroom. I carefully cleaned the cut and then put a bandage on it. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked and Charles nodded, he was still crying a little bit. 

"What do you want to eat?" I asked. 

"soup" he answered. I chuckled and went to order room service. 

"You should maybe take a shower" I carefully suggested. he just nodded and went to the bathroom. after a while he came back in his pj shorts and a hoodie. His hair was dripping water. he looked so hot but also sad and tired. Not long and our food arrived. We sat on his bead eating our soups and we watched annie movie from his laptop now that the tv was well broken like Charles. He had chose the movie. I noticed him shivering from cold. I stood up. 

"let me put you to sleep" I said and he went under the covers. I tucked him there and was about to leave when I heard him. 

"I don't want to be alone. I'm scared" He said and snuffled. I went back to him and he lifted the blanket for me to join him. Thankfully I was wearing sweats and a hoodie. I got under the covers but left a distance between us. After a while he snuggled closer and put his arm over me and his head on my chest. I smiled and started to stroke his hair. His breath started to slow down and he fell asleep quickly. 

"Good night Charlie. I love you" I whispered to him and fell asleep. 

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