Chapter 50 - Special moments

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you want this too? I don't want to force you." Changbin looked at Naya.

She just smiled. She loved how caring he was and would always respect her choices.

"I didn't think I'd be ready, but... I want it." He smiled, kissing his girlfriend once more. 

"Pretty." The necklace may have been one way to convey he loved her, but this time he could actually show it.

Naya walked out of the bathroom, taking out her phone to check the time. She would have to get ready to go out for dinner with the girls.

"Eunji wants me to meet her and the rest downstairs." Naya put away her phone, putting on her shoes.

"The guys are there too?" Naya nodded at Changbin's wondering.

"Yup. We can all go out for dinner together." She was looking in the mirror as Changbin helped her put on the necklace.

"A real beauty." Naya just rolled her eyes, but blushed.

Changbin sweet talked to her the whole time they made love. She felt special the whole time. It was their first time and even though it started of a little awkward at first, it was the most special moment Naya ever had.

Once they were ready and took a quick stop at the hotel room Changbin were staying at, the two joined their friends.

"Took you two long enough." They had been waiting for the couple in the lobby for quite some time. 

"Hyung, you're just jealous." Changbin already regretted saying that when Minho glared at him. 

"Nope, just bored." Minho just shrugged, clearly annoyed at the rapper.

Soon, they all left the hotel. Both managers were waiting for them, each near their own rental car. They wanted to head to the Korean restaurant a few streets away. The boys missed the food from home, so it was the perfect place for dinner.

The girls looked at Naya, something seemed different about her. Eventually, they could see the marks on her skin. 

"Want me to leave you two alone tonight?" Eunji smirked. 

Naya was speechless, everyone else heard it too. So, now, they all knew what happened. She never thought her friends would be so brazen and immediately ask her about it. She felt a little embarrassed they found out so easily.

"That would be great." Changbin winked at Naya who got flustered.

Eunji somehow was able to convince the managers to let Changbin stay with Naya for the rest of their stay at the hotel. So, after dinner, Eunji was able to stay with Miyoung and Yuri while Changbin headed to the room Naya had been staying at the whole time.

"Don't get any funny ideas in your head. Tomorrow is a busy day." Naya looked for her sleepwear, taken by surprise when Changbin hugged her from behind. 

"I don't know what you mean... Was it bad?" It wasn't something he expected to ever do, but it was special to him. 

"N-No... I liked it." It was scary at first, but Changbin made her feel at ease throughout it all.

"Then what stops us for doing it again?" Changbin really didn't want to give up, but Naya wouldn't be able to get convinced by him.

"Work. There are performances, remember." Changbin pouted, giving up. 

He didn't want to dishonour his girlfriend's choice. If she didn't want to do it again, he shouldn't force her. Changbin knew better than that. Naya felt a little bad but knew he didn't want her to feel that way.

Finally, back home. Although being in another country was enjoyable, nothing could beat home. Naya wanted to rest, but she promised Changbin to meet him on the roof. So, there she was. 

"Na, there's something I need to tell you." Naya had no idea what was going on. 

"I got an apartment for the two of us. Or at least I hope so." It was all so sudden.

"You want us to live together?" Naya was surprised.

How long had he been hiding this?  Naya did not expect this at all. Especially right after landing back home. How did he even get this done in secret?

"Of course I'll miss staying with the boys, but... I want to wake up with you in my arms and fall asleep with you the same way, every day of my life." 

Changbin had been with them for a big part of his life. But it was time for a change. They were ready for the next step in their relationship. And moving in together felt like something they were finally ready for.

"I-If you put it that way. I'd love to." Naya smiled seeing Changbin so happy.

Not in a million years did she ever think someone would come into her life whom she wanted to spend her life with. Yet, there she was. Naya had found someone who she could share her life with.

"My sister helped getting everything sorted while I was away on tour. We can move in whenever we want." 

 Changbin didn't want Naya to think he wanted to rush. She could take her time saying goodbye to her friends. Whenever she was ready, that's when they would move in. Something like that took time and it was totally worth waiting for.

"I can't believe you've done all of this." Changbin just smiled, bringing his girlfriend closer to press a kiss against her lips. 

"Like I said, Noona helped me. So... I went to my sister already as she received the keys a few days ago." Changbin gave Naya hers, a little key chain hanging on it. 

"I can't wait to share my every moment with you."


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