"Tobias I am really sorry about earlier. I was just as suprised as you were." I defend myself. Its not like I knew Dale was coming.

"Okay, okay. When will you be here?" He sighs and I bite my lip.

"Oh, I don't exactly know.." I start to answer theen laugh at Noah as he curses at his cupcake that fell to the ground.

"Are you still with Derek?" Tobias voice booms and I flinch. Who's Derek? I think he meant Dale. Shit, he's going to be furious.

"His name is Dale, not Derek." I mutter a reply not knowing what to say. Dale looks up at his name and I wave him off then go stand outside on the phone.

"Seriously Tris? Where's Zeke?" Hs demands and my breath hitches. Sorry Zeke.

"I may have sent him home earlier, I wanted to spend more time with Dale..." I trail off thinking I shouldn't have mentioned Dale. "But I'm coming back tonight, don't worry." I add quickly.

"Yeah, the only thing I'm worried about is you finding a place to stay." Tobias snaps at me and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What?" Isn't he just over reacting about this?

"I cannot see you tonight, okay? Maybe you can stay with Derek or Christina, but not me." He tells me and I frown.

"You know what? I will stay with Dale tonight!" I snap.

"Might as well date him too if he's so fansatic, not like me!" Tobias retorts hanging up. Did he just break up with me? I shrug it off deciding to deal with it tomorrow, not knowing that was the last time I'd speak to him.

"Hey Dale, can I stay with you tonight?" I ask sitting back the table with them.

"Of course! Everything alright?" He asks concerned and I shake my head smiling.

"Good." He grins.

                                                                                       *TOBIAS POV 2 Hours Before Call*

I feel bad for leaving Tris. I might of overreacted, but it hurt seeing her choose that Derek guy over me. I was afraid that if I stayed any longer I would have lost control. I pull into my drive way and groan when I see my dads car. Time to see the devil himself. I walk into the unlocked house and try making my way up to my room quietly.

"Tobias.....?" My dads voice is calm and nice. We must have company.

"Yes father?" I ask sarcasticly. Like he's any father of mine.

"Don't use that tone with me!" He snaps quietly and motions for me to come downstairs. I follow him to the living room and notice a young woman sitting neatly on the chase.

"This is Alexis. We are getting married next month." He tells me. What the hell? She stands up and emmbraces me in a hug. Alexis is a couple inches shorter then me making her thick black hair rub agaisnt my chin.

"Tobias right? I can't believe we never met! Aren't you handsome! Marcus he looks just like you!" She gushes grinning at me excitedly.

"Yeah I can't beileve we haven't met either." I state accusely and my dad glares at me behind her. "But I've heard so many wonderful things about you!" I add cherrfully for my sake.

"I can't wait for you to meet my daughter! Oh, you to will get along perfectly." Alexis exclaims and Marcus wraps his arms around her.

"I have to go and clean my room." I excuse myself and find myself running up the stairs to my room. I can't wrap it around my head that my dads getting married. That man can't take care us let alone two other woman.

After an hour I decide to call Tris to see if she is almost back. She should've been here a while ago and I haven't heard from her. After the phone ringing four times she finally picks up.

"One sec, he's calling." She tells someone who I assume is Zeke in the background.

"Hey. Just wanted to make sure your okay.." I sound stupid and don't exactully know what to say.

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you mad at me?" She asks nervously.

"N- well kind of. I mean how would you feel if I kissed a random girl who I claim I was in love with? Shit Tris, never mind we shouldn't talk about this over phone." I tell her and sigh. I wish she were here personaly.

"Toby I'm really am sorry about earlier. I was just as suprised as you were." Tris says defending herself.

"Okay, okay. When will you be here?" I was planning on her coming through my window, though with Alexis here, my dad won't be so rude.

"Oh, well I don't exactly know." She laughs then I hear more then one guys laughter in the background. Is she still with Derek?

"Are you still with Derek?" I accuse angerily and there is a few moments of silence.

"His name is Dale, not Derek." She mutters and that confirmes it. Where the hell was Zeke?

"Seriously Tris? Where is Zeke?" I demand.

"I may of sent him home earlier. I wanted to spend more time with Dale.." She trails off and I frown. "but I'm coming back tonight, don't worry." She adds quickly. Of course she wanted more time with Dale. She obviously has history and a connection with him so why am I even trying.

"Yeah, the only thing I'm worried about is you finding a place to stay." I snap.

"What?" Tris asks confused and I roll my eyes, fed up with this.

"I cannot see you tonight, okay? Maybe you can stay with Derek or Christina, but not me." I feel like an asshole. I just hate how she expects me to forgive her for her actions and yet she's still with him.

"You know what? I will stay with Dale tonight!" She snaps and I frown. I can't believe her.

"Might as well date him too if he's so fantasic, not me!" I retort dryly and hang up.

I'm not even going to try anymore. I'm so fricken done.

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