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They say when you die you have seven minutes of brain activity left. And in those seven minutes you are shown play backs. Memories of your life; the good, the bad, the ugly. Moments of joy, happiness, and laughter. Now I'm not sure how you can fit a whole lifetime in just seven minutes, but I guess we won't know til we get there. There are so many unanswered questions pertaining to death. But what about living? If I were to leave you today, could you promise me one thing? Would you dance like there is no tomorrow? Could you find the color in a black and white picture? Would you be willing to forgive the unforgivable? Could you lend the broken a helping hand? Pet your dog as if it's the last time? Tell that one person how much they mean to you? Would you climb that mountain and scream at the top of your lungs? Or go to the ocean and learn to ride the waves? Would you hug all of your friends? Give your mama a kiss? Hold your newborn babies hand? And lastly... If you were to be shown your seven minutes of life would you ask yourself one thing: "Was it worth it?" Because from dust we are born, and to dust we shall return. And all we're really left with is well.. Moments.

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