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Ok some more background information

Nathaniel's dad was assassinated by the fangs (I will give more info about that later in the story) so nate is doing the best he can right now being a new Don.
Talia and nate have a shaky relationship right now I plan on in a couple more chapters to make their relationship better. Alot of Nathaniels past will be dug up eventually.

This is about talias background and family
Talia and her dad have always been in arguments but they both loved each other but Talia has his attitude and her mom's stubbornness so her and nate are going to have lots of arguments like any couple but worse

Talia used to go to middle school and part of high school they were private schools for mafia and rich business owners children and she was home schooled when she was younger along with her siblings. she loves her siblings to death but also can't stand them. Her siblings also went to school but her eldest brothers went for almost all the years while when she was younger didn't.

Talia doesn't really show her emotions like that except with her family and even then she rarely does her dad treated her like a boy when it comes to emotions and training and other mafia things. So she blocks emotions exept for anger and learns when and when not to have show them sometimes she can't contain it and other times she shows nun at all and she just spaces herself away from everbody.

Talia takes after her father mostly so they always argue and don't speak to each other for some days she's like a copy of her dad she steps up to him, and and gets put in her place but she doesn't even let him raise his voice at her.

Also Cole Adrian brenden and kai are mostly in the field on mission ect while carter is the family hacker but they have other members who do the same renae works in the field and is like Nurse. Talia works in the field pretty much all the time she is a bit computer smart.

She doesn't really talk with alot of her family because her father is petty and his brother is too but they will pop up a few times in the story line.

Her dad raised her to take no shit from anybody which she uses that against her family aswell

And of course growing up with 5 brothers and a whole bunch of mafia men

Ik cringe a little the way I worded it is corny ig but I tried 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

It wouldn't hurt to go back and read cause I have revised and edit alot to help yall understand everthing better

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