training day

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I woke up to someone yelling ny name n they keep on getting closer  "WHAT" i yell opening my eyes kai opens my door still yelling my name "what do you want" I say annoyed "Well dad wants everybody in the gym training" he explaines "why" I ask

"Well I don't know maybe because you got attacked yesterday and a warehouse got attacked yesterday as well" he says sarcastically " I don't need your sarcasm" I say "he's also upping the security for the house and safe houses and warehouses so he said nobody's aloud out of the house except him"he explaines.

"yes" I mentally high five myself I won't have to stay with that monster for a few more days or even weeks "oh don't get so happy yet since you have to go and stay with your soon to be husband you go out with multiple guards". "Shit alright get out I'll be in the gym in 15" I tell him

I go to the closet and pick some black Biker shorts and a black sports bra and some black adidas swift runs one thing about me is I love shoes anyway I grab my headphones and my phone I then I tie my hair back into a ponytail and go down to the gym

Wow I think to myself it's actually packed there men boxing and lifting big ass weights and I look and see Cole boxing with brenden and Adrian spotting carter and Kai is using a punching bag and Renae is on one of the machines

I stretch and go to the machine next to renae and in between reps we talk.

" so-what-do-you-think-of-nathaniel" she ask "um-he's-alright-he-can-be-cold-but -a-little-nice-well-to-me-atleast" I say.

So-when-did-yall-get-in-here" I ask

"just-a-few-minutes-before-you-did-the- guys-went-straight-to-work-there-gonna-regret-not-stretching-tommorow" she says in between reps " oh-for-sure" I say

I put my music of and get to work I end up on the bench press and I put a little more weight than usual and I was struggling to lift it a little when a stong hand lifted the weight and there's the monster himself nate

"You need to be more careful" he says " I didn't need your help" i say "well it looked like it"he says, I sat up " not everything is what it looks like" I say "whatever" he says "what are you doing here" I ask "can't I see my soon to be wife"  he ask " No, no you can't" I say "come on you need to fresh n up and pack" he states "pack what do you mean"? I ask " i mean your coming with me" he says "no not now" I say " it's not your decision so get up and go to your room" he states " ok first im not a child and who are you telling me what to do" I ask

And not even a second later this big ass tall ass man flings me over his shoulder like with no effort while he's walking out of the gym everybody's staring, this is so embarrassing I think to myself.

he carries me all the way up to my room ignoring my protest and complaints and puts me down.

"Go get ready" he says "go get ready" I mock him
"What did you say" he ask "Nothing" I say I mean I'm bold but this dude still scares the shit out of me "that's what I fucking thought" he says he's so cocky.

He just sits on my bed waiting for me I go take a shower and grab some clothes I just grabbed a white crop top dark blue ripped jeans and jordan 1 royal toe and I just let my hair air dry so it's pretty curly

I'll go to my closet and pack 2 bags It wasn't hard to pick a few outfits I grab my stuff and go to my bedroom and he lying on the bed like he owns the place.

I put my hand on my hip and look at him he just gets up and grabs my bags and walks out bumping me as well.

I go down stairs and my mom is in the kitchen I'm guessing everybody's still training "hey mom" I say "hey hunny i thought you left already renae and Kai told me what happend at the gym and they couldn't hold in their laughter" she explaines I groan "they are so annoying , they like telling all my business" I say.

"Well you and Nathaniel have somewhere to be correct get going hun I'll see you in a few days" she says giving me a hug "alright love you mom tell my dad and my siblings I love them" I say " I will hunny"

I walk out to see 5 tahoes outside and the door was open to the middle one waiting for me to enter I get in and there nate

"So a few rules they you have to listen to and follow" he explaines " rule 1 you will not leave the house without my approval rule 2 you will obey all orders given to you by me rule 3 no talking back and sass which of those two things your really good at rule 4 and You are not allowed to talk to any men that I have said not to" he says " you are not the boss of me and I will break everyone of those rules that's what they're meant" I explain.

"listen here, you will listen and obey every rule I give to you or there will be harsh consequences do you understand" he says aggressively

"Fine whatever" I say I little scared
I just sit back for the rest of the ride

About 30 minutes later we pull up in a drive was of a big ass Mansion I mean the place was huge with gaurds surrounding the place inch by inch and cameras everywhere.

nate went around and opened the door for me and I hopped out and we both started walking he opened the door and it was beautiful inside the walls were grey and there were beautiful paintings on the wall.

The decor was so elegant we kept walking till we got to the kitchen and it had marble counters and a very spacious kitchen with a big living room near it and the dinning room was across from the kitchen and there were two big staircases the house was a grey and white and black vibe so the house had a neutral theme and the furniture was lavish and elegant.

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