carters birthday

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I wake up with the ringing of my alarm I groan and get up lola is fluttering her eyes "mornin" I say she just groans and buries her head into pillows.

I walk to nates room to grab my bags and he sleep I go and grab my bag and grab some clothes I just grabbed a pair of black leggings a dark grey tank top aoong sith a cute little blsck cardigan and my jordan 1 rebellionaires what can I say I love shoes, I get dressed and fresh n up

When i come back from changing nates lying down on his phone doing something I just walk over grab my stuff and head downstairs.

I go back up to nates room I knock on the door "come in" he says probably knowing its me I open the door and he is in nothing but boxers I close the door and walk downstairs and go sit on the couch I did not just walk into him in his underwear how did he know it was me he said come in i question myself.

I get so lost in my thoughts someone comes downstairs and calls my name I look up and nates there "come on I don't have all day" he says grabbing my bags we walk out the door and there are only 2 escalades this time and nate had a his lambo in the middle we got in.

About 10 minutes down the road he has the fucking audacity to put his hand on my thigh I try to pry it of and his grip just gets tighter i look over a stupidly hot smirk is plastered on his face. he is such an asshole I just whatever it and get on my phone

About 30 minutes later we pull up to my house and it feels so much better to be home he walks me to the door and waits until I get inside til he walks away.

I'm immediately met with renae ambushing me with a big hug "how have you been I've missed you so much you don't even know and the boys gave been driving me bonkers" she says while hugging me tight.

"I've been ok it wasn't hell on earth staying with nate and I have missed you all alot to where's everybody anyway" "Well in the gym or in the office destroying it so I don't recommend going to talk to dad moms in there trying to calm him down but I don't think it's working" she says "noted so what about carter" i ask " in the gym you know how dad is" she says.

"but we aall got him gifts tho" she says "hey what happend to your wrist and your neck" she ask looking a bit worried " oh its fine just a down side of being around nate along with his mood swings" I say "ok well let's go cover that up before the boys see it" she says walking upstairs to her bathroom.

"Why aren't you training" I ask "because I told mum and pops that I was gonna wait for you and train tommorow morning" she says as she looks through drawers.

She finds some makeup and it's perfect were the same shade she applies the makeup to my bruises "I'll give you something to put on them and the purple should go away but it'll be still a little noticeable".

After that we go downstairs and members are coming from the gym and I see all of my brothers they see me and there eyes go wide and they start running up to me "do not touch me until all of you guys go take a shower I do not want to smell to like a rotten teenage boy for the rest of the week" I say and they laugh and go hit the showers a few minutes later mom comes down she looks stressed but she sees me and smiles I run up to her and hug her.

"Hi hunny how was it" she asks " um interesting I met some of his family and they were really cool but he was a big pain in the ass" I say giggling "well atleast you've gotten to know him and his family" she says "yea i know a little about him and alot about his family" I say " so when Talia cusses its ok but when me and my brothers do it we get hit" she complains " are you getting married to a guy you don't even know... I didn't think so" I sass her and laugh

And with that the line of idiots I call brothers and they come and ambush me with big hugs " we missed you" Adrian says squeezing me "I missed you guys to" I say hugging the ones I could reach I mean they surrounded me with hugs they let me go and I turn to hug carter "happy birthday dork I love you" I say squeezing him "thank you and I love you to" he says squeezing me back.

We all walk over to the couch and I excuse myself to go get his gift I grab it from under my bed and run downstairs and sit on the couch "since mine is clear on what it is open it first" I say passing the box he opens it and his eyes go wide "thanks dude" he says and we dab each other up he's been wanting these dior x jordans for the past few months he's made it very clear.

Renae and and Kai get him a new suit and shoes to go with it and so far it nice mom gets him some cologne, cole got him a men's set of cologne, shampoo, conditioner, body wash and lotion, and hand sanitizer.

Adrian and Brendan buy him a new game system that he made very clear he wants as well.

Dad comes down and see what were doing he just comes and pats him on his back and walks over to me we hug he sits with mom and I go sit with Kai renae and carter.

I explain to them my time with nate and his family told the about the twins and how I met damon and how he flirted with me the whole time and how I boxed him and how nate embarrassed me infront of his gym and how him and damon got into a fight and about the mafia ball.

My parents and sister agreed the girls would come over to get ready so they could all get to meet each other.

I flipped my hair and I forgot that renae only covered the parts that were visible with my hair down and I saw my dad's eyes go big and I looked over and and my brothers were staring at me and Renae eyes when wide and her mouth open a bit but she just looked away and awkwardly scratched her neck, mom had her hand on dad's shoulder.

"Talia tell me what happend" Adrian asks as his big brother overprotectivness kicked in I just burned my self with the curling iron" I say "bullshit in all my years on this earth I have never seen you curl your hair" he says standing up Cole gets up right after him "exactly I accidentally did it cause I've never used a curling iron" I spat out the quickest lie.

My dad is giving be a "if you don't stop lying" look.

my brothers started getting up and Cole moved my hair and turned my neck to get a better look he licked his thumb and wiped the makeup of ok maybe he isn't as dumb as I thought "so renae knew because I know damn well you know nothing about makeup" he says giving me a look they all looked a bit angery "so what happend" brenden asks a bit ticked of.

Cringe ik be prepared for the next chapter ultra cringe

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