my brothers interrogation

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"Ok so after the match I went up to his room to take a shower and he kinda instructed me not to talk or hang out with damon but I didn't hang out or talk to him the while time but he got angry and choked me" I explain they sit back down but they got a look on there face.  "Anything else happen" carter ask trying to act all calm.

"No" I say in a bit shaky voice I have never seen my brothers this angry in my life I mean sure I've seen them punch and few holes in the walls but they have never been like this.

I look away, "and your lying, again" carter says I am a great lier but when it comes to family I just can't lie I take a quick glance at my wrist to make sure that bruise isn't visible and kai gets up and licks his finger and wipes the makeup clean off "mhm" he looks at me and goes and sits back down.

"So care to explain" Adrian says, so nosey I think to myself.

" well I went out to go get some air and damon found me and we talked then he put his hand on my waist to help me and make sure I didn't fall because it was dark and we got in and nate was right there and he saw us and dragged me by my wrist to his room and that when he told me not to talk or hang out with damon." I explain "mhm" brenden say.

"I gotta go" i say and get up and walk away to my room I mean I just got interrogated by my own brothers and I had to relive all those moments with nate and was alot to take in.

I go to my bathroom and wash of the makeup it was uncomfortable anyway and there is no point of hiding it if they know, I go lie on my face and groan why me this actually sucks.

I hear a knock "don't come in" I say through the pillows loud enough for whoever to hear me well I hear the door open and I turn to see renae I lay back down "hey listen the only reason they were acting like that was because they love you and don't wanna see you hurt" she says.

"whatever" I say with my head still in pillows "ok well come down at 8 to eat dinner and because mom wants to discuss the mafia ball and she also wants to talk about some other stuff"she says "noo" I say "relax you still have a few hours till dinner it's around 3:30" she says "alright get out and let me sleep and come wake me up for dinner" I sat pulling the cover on me "alright see you in a bit" she walks out I close my eyes and with that I'm off to sleep

*A few hours later*

I lowkey feel like shit I mean it's my brothers birthday and everybody is worried about me.

I drag myself out of bed and go downstairs and there sitting at the dinner table and I go sit right between mom and renae my brothers just glare at me and then look at my bruises.

It's silent but eventually the maid brings the food in and everybody eats but it feels so odd were always discussing something over dinner so this is very different I finish mine first just so I can leave I go sit on the couch and wait for renae and mom to come out so whatever it is that needs to be talked about we talk about and get it over with.

Soon enough renae comes walking out and she sits next to me, "I'm sorry it's alot to take in I know and seeing you like this is not easy" she says rubbing my back "I just wish I could go back to the times where we would chase each other around the house and play games to keep us entertained until mum and dad came back" I say "you remember that time where Kai got stuck in a cabinet and we all had to pull him out" we giggle a bit.

We Start bringing up good memories and laugh about them and it kind of relaxed me a little.

Mom comes out " let's talk about it in renae's room" she whispers I guess she doesn't want the boys to hear.

We go up to renae's room and we sit on her bed "so tommorow your father wants everyone training not just working out so we're doing boxing, far range and near range shooting, and combat practice." Mom explaines "why" renae asks confused  "because the fangs led another attack on another warehouse and almost took out all our men there and stole just about half of our weapons, ammo, and equipment " she explains to me and Renae.

"And he wants to make sure yall are ready just incase they attack any of us will our back is turned" she tells us "and on Friday we have to go out to shop for dresses for the ball so Talia I'll call Kristen and ask her what time we gonna meet up to go shopping for the dresses" she tells me "and I know this is both of your first times at the ball so your brothers will give you all the details and nate will most likely explain how everything will go since your going with him he'll will probably give you instructions" she tells me.

" Wait so you got us up here just to talk about that really mom" I ask "do you really want to be downstairs with the boys giving you dirty looks and unnecessary comments" renae says "well I guess that makes since" i say getting up mom follows and she goes downstairs and I go to my room.

I go take a shower and get into some comfy clothes and grab my phone and scroll through tiktok till my eye lids get heavy.

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