ball time

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We step out and walk up nate puts a hand on my waist "everthing will be ok" he whispers in my ear, I do dangerous missions every week and deal with guns, weapons, drugs and way more and I'm nervous about a little party.

We get up to the guards and get pat down and nate stops me and says "we have to act like a happy lovey couple" "ok whatever" he's been nice and I don't want to ruin that, "and don't forget don't leave my side" he whispers as we walk in the doors.

We get in and I'm overwhelmed it's huge, people are everywhere there"s music a gigantic chandelier "come on" he says in my ear some people turn there attention to nate and me as we walk but they just turn back to what they were doing.

"hello nate" a man says with a smirk he was around nates age and he was a bit shorter than Nate, Nate death stares him and his eyes change from a his beautiful honey brown eyes to a deep piercing black "Aaron walk away" he says with anger in his voice "who's the pretty lady here" he says grabbing my hand about to kiss my hand nate jerks my hand from Aaron's grasp.

"oh don't be like that dear cousin" he says with an evil smirk on his face "I am not your cousin and I will never be" nate says and grabs me and walks away "what was that all about" I ask as he dragged me away "you'll figure it out " he says dragging me from the crowd "just don't talk to him and don't go anywhere near him without me" he says "ok" I say.

I see alot of my family but I've been somewhat forbidden from talking with them because of my father, pettiness and his terrible anger issues, I see some of my cousins and my grandparents and we just exchange smiles.

Then A very pretty lady walks up and puts her hand on his shoulder "hey nate" she says seductively like I'm not even there "I see you got yourself another whore for the night" she says looking me up and down with a snot nose bitch face i could drag her right now but then nate says "she actually my soon to be wife" he rolls his eyes and grabs my hand and walks away.

I'm not gonna even ask, "nate" this older man says, why does everbody want to talk to nate "shit um I'm gonna take you to your brothers and I'll be right back" he walks me to Adrian and Cole the worst duo of them all "I'll be right back" nate says Adrian is glaring and Cole gives him his resting bitch face I giggled a bit as nate walked away.

"I'm gonna kick your little boyfriends ass" Adrian says "absolutely not he will kill you and then dad will bring you back to life and kill you" i say laughing.

I look over to see renae flirting with damon, and Adrain and Cole do not look happy about it I glance at kai and his jaw is clenched his eyes are dark as he's staring at our sister and damon. Yeah I get the feeling he's not happy about that.

I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and convince my brothers not to escort me there because that would be embarrassing.

I turn down the hall where The bathrooms are and aaron grabs my arm he towers over me "you and your little boy toy need to be careful you never know what might happen when your backs are turned" he says with venom spewing out of his voice and with that he turns around and walks away.

I go to the bathroom and go back and I see some people sitting at the tables.

I go at our table it's a table for just our group and that's it. I sit between nate and renae and renae sits across from damon and they make eye contact and keep it until renaes looks away and blushes "does she usuaslly get nervous like this" nate asks "no because at home she walks around and talks like she 6'5 300 pounds and a billionaire" I say and we crack a quick smile.

Damon gets up to get something to drink and like 2 seconds later renaes asks "is anyone thirsty" "yeah you" kai says "you just want to be with damon that's all" I say "No I don't" she says "ok whatever you say" I say she is lying so bad it's hilarious

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