Chapter 10

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As promised a new chapter!!!!
This chapter takes place after the last one. Enjoy.

Alberts POV

I felt a kinda bad about what I was doing, only because it was hurting him, but still. He was kicking his legs trying to get away from me but I wouldn't let him, hes mine. "Kaden." I started. He stopped fighting for a second to listen "What?" "You know that fighting is a pointless waste of your energy." "I don't care, just let me go!" He shrieked and continued his kicking. I moved one of my arms down to grab his legs, forcing him to stop. Kaden is a lot smaller than me so this was easy. I stood up and turned towards the stairs that led back up to my bedroom "You can't leave. You're mine and mine forever." I wispered into his ear. A single tear rolled down his cheek, I smiled, I was enjoying this! When I eventually got to my room I kicked the door shut behind me and set Kaden down on my bed. "Its late my love, we should go to sleep." I quickly turned to the closet where I had stored things I might need for situations like this. I pulled out some rope. "Oh and since I can't trust you not to run away, I'm going to have to tie you up!" The look on his face as I said this was one of pure anxiety. "No worries beautiful, it won't hurt." I grabbed his wrists and tied them to my bed. Once I was done I slid next to him and cuddled his body close to mine. I heard him make small sad noises and that made me sad, I kissed his forehead and twizzled his hair. "It will all turn out fine in the end darling, trust me." I said in an attempt to comfort him. He hid his face in my chest and made a cute noise of agreement. I have a feeling that getting him to fall in love with me won't be as hard as I thought.

Kadens POV

I tried to sleep, listening to Alberts steady breathing was suprisingly comforting but I still couldn't sleep. Why does he love me so much anyway? And why am I starting to fall in love with him? What is wrong with me? He was softly playing with my hair and I was enjoying it. I know I tried to escape but... I don't really think I want to leave. I don't know, I've always just got these slight butterflies around Albert and even though he has completley lost his mind, I still have those butterflies. I don't want to tell him I maybe love him back though, I don't think I can handle that kind of commitment plus Raven was killed only days ago and of course I'm still recovering from her loss.

What am I going to do?

487 Words

Very short and I'm sorry. But I will be doing 2 chapters tomorrow to make up for it and those chapters are gonna get juicyyyyyy! Anyways Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

"You can't leave, you're mine and mine forever." (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now