Chapter 2

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This chapter takes place 2 days before Kaden leaves to go to Florida

Kadens POV

I'm leaving for Florida in two days, and I haven't even packed yet! I go downstairs and greet Raven who is sat on the couch on her phone. " hey Raven," I greet. " Hey," She replies in a cheerful tone. " I was thinking we should probably start packing, for our trip to Florida." I tell her, she looks up from her phone and nods "Yeah, your probably right." She replies whilst getting up from the couch. She motioned for me to follow her and we went upstairs to start packing.

~ Time skip brought to you by my laziness UwU ~

Once we finally finished packing, Raven said she was hungry and went off to get herself some food, I stayed in my room and played on my phone whilst laying on my bed. It was really dark outside and when I looked at the time I realized it was 11:45 pm and I was tired so I decided to go to sleep. I lay there still for a couple minutes, then I started crying. It was kinda outta nowhere, but I was sad, I always was latley and I don't know why. I sat up and carried on crying for about 10 minutes or so before I eventually calmed down. I wiped my eyes and grabbed my glasses and phone, I decided to text Albert since he was usually awake 'till like 3 am.


K: Albert, are u awake?

A: Yh, why?

K: Idk, I'm kinda sad

A: Awww, y?

K: Idk man

A: Hey, don't be sad! We will see eachother in a couple days and we will have a good time :)

K: I know :)
K: I'm excited!

A: Good! You should be!!

K: ty for cheering me up a bit :))

A: Anytime dude!

K: Bye UwU

A: Cya soon

- end of texts -

Alberts POV

I really wondered why Kaden was so sad. Maybe he will feel better when I'm with him. I blushed at the thought. I wanted him, no, I needed him so bad, the thought of me holding him, caressing him, smothering him with kisses, just like he deserves. I was really looking foward to getting Raven out of the way and claiming what is mine. I was still kinda sad that he was so sad, but I will make it all better for him, I really will. I looked over at the clock which now read 4:32 am, I guess I was fantasicing for a long time, haha. I went into the bathroom to get changed and splash some water on my face and then I went to bed, dreaming of Kaden.

456 Words

A little short but nevermind lol. This takes so much effort and I'm not creative T-T Send help XD. Anyway Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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