Chapter 1

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Kadens POV

I started my day like I always do, wake up and wish I hadn't. Wishing that I would one day go to sleep and never wake up. I hate it. I hate my life. But whatever, I looked at my pathetic self in the mirror and ruffled my hair slightly. I then walked over to my the closet to get changed. I wore a long sleeve shirt that had black and white stripes and was kinda cropped. I then pulled my long gloves over my arms, covering the cuts that were scatttered along my arms and wrists. I sighed and went into my office to start my work for today. When I logged onto my computer I had like 50 messages from Albert, it was actaully more like 10 messages but whatever, I looked on discord and began reading them.

K- kaden

A: kaden.
A: Kaden r u awake???
A: Kaden I need u to do something 4 me
A: HELLO!!!!?????
A: Kaden get online I got a question

- Kaen joined the chat -

K: I just woke up.

A: Oh, well I have a question

K: Go on then

A: Well, I wanted to know if you had any plans for not next week but the week after?

K: I don't think so
K: Why?

A: Do you wanna come 2 mine then cos we having a meet up

K: We?

A: Me, Elijah (Sketch), Ethan (Bandi), Jake and hopefully u... maybe a couple other ppl idk

K: ok, sure I'll go

A: good, I will send details in a sec!

K: ok, now I gtg

A: k, bye

K: Bye :)

- kaden left the chat -

Still Kadens POV

I was excited to go to Alberts house and I was excited to spend time with my friends, I smiled, thats the first time I have done that in a while.

Alberts POV (sorry for the sudden switch lmao)

I was excited to hang out with my friends, but I was especially excited to see Kaden. I like him, no, I love him! Hes so cute and adorable and lovable and amazing and perfect in every way!! I blushed and giggled at the thought of him. I just love him so much and I want him to be mine!!! But he has a girlfriend...Raven, I hate her, I can't stand her. She is the one preventing me from having him, my one true love is with her of all people. I suppose there is a way I could split them up, multiple ways actually. I could make a lie that she cheated or that she is a lesbian or I could tell her Kaden cheated or I could set her up with someone else....or..... or I could kill her. I could kill raven. I giggled sadistically at the thought, images in my head were graphic and gory. Raven could die, I could kill her, watch her bleed out on to the floor and feel her heart stop beating and her breathing slow and then stop. What about Kaden though? Well he has me so he doesn't need her, or I can just say she left him because she is a bitch. Ok, I have a plan then, all I need to do is get her to go with Kaden on the meet up trip and then she will be my victim! I giggled again and then got up and left my office.

593 Words

Also just a quick note! I have nothing against raven. I think she is really cute and her and Kaden make a great couple! I am only making her part of the story and do not wish any of that stuff on her in real life.
lmao, just wanted to clear that up, anyways baiiiiiii :)

"You can't leave, you're mine and mine forever." (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt