Chapter 7

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This chapter is continued from the last. Enjoy.

Elijahs POV

I feel like I exposed to much to Kaden, I barely said anything but somehow he still knows to much. He knows Albert loves him and is suspicious of Ravens disappearence, but he doesn't know that Albert is a killer, Ravens killer, a stalker and an obsseive freak. I was lay in bed thinking about all of this, Ethan was already asleep as it was nearing 10 o'clock. I thought I should probably sleep to, but what if I'm tonights victim, I don't wanna die, I'm to young and have to much to live for. Surely he only killed Raven because she was threat to his love for Kaden, but I almost exposed him fully and accidently let Kaden know he loves him so what if he considers that a threat? I shook of the thought and tried to sleep anyway. I was engulfed by darkness as I slowly drifted into my sleep where a nightmare was awaiting me.

~ In Elijah's nightmare ~

I was stood in the center of a dimly lit room. I was frozen still, completley unable to move. I looked down at my body, I was tied up. Just as a relized this two figures appeared infront of me. One of these figures was holding the other and the one being held was fighting and trying to get away. The figures took a step foward revealing who they were. Albert and... Ethan. Albert held a knife to Ethans neck, "You exposed me, now I will get my revenge." He explained. A tear fell down Ethan's cheek, "I'm going to kill your twin brother, right infront of you." I was in shock for a second before he pressed the knife harder and Ethan wimpered in pain. "NO PLEASE DON'T!! I'M SORRY!" I screamed. He didn't listen and I watched as he slit Ethans throat, blood trickle at first and the basically pouring down his neck and chest. I cried, cried very loud.

~ End of the nightmare ~

I guess I was crying in real life to, loudly, because Ethan was shaking me awake. I opened my eyes very suddenly and basically jumped on him, hugging tightly and crying my eyes out. "What's wrong?" He asked, very concerned. "I-I I'm so scared Ethan." I admitted "Of what?" He asked "I can't tell you!" I wailed. "I've had enough of this Elijah," I looked up at him confused "There has been something up with you since we came here. Tell me whats going on!" I tugged at my hair. He placed his hands softly on top of my, guiding my hands away from pulling on my hair, "Just tell me." I nodded "Albert, I'm scared of Albert." I confessed. "What? Why?" "Because he is going to kill me, I think, and he killed Raven." "HE DID WHAT TO RAVEN?" I slammed my hand quickly over his mouth. "If you say that so loudly then we are both going to die." He nodded slowly, "And how do you know this?" He asked "When I got here I looked in his room and saw he was stalking Kaden, he had lots of pictures of him, private pictures I mean. He admitted he was obsessed with him and that led him to kill Raven, I know he did because I watched him do it." I explained. "..." Ethan had nothing to say. "Ethan?" He looked at me "And you were crying in your sleep because your scared?" "Not exactly, I had a nightmare where died, right infront of me." "... This is umm....A lot to process." I nodded, "I get it, but now we are both in danger and we might get killed" Ethan turned his head quickly his face showing shock and fear "WHAT?" He shrieked. "I was told that I couldn't tell anyone and I'm pretty sure Albert is going to kill us now." "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU GOTTEN US INTO ELIJAH?!?" He yelled. "Shut up, do you wanna die?" He instantly shut up. Just then the door swung open. "Oh shit." I panicked.

Alberts POV

"Oh shit." Elijah said as I swung the door open. "I heard everything." I stated, stepping into the room and closing the door behind me. "I'm s-sorry, I'm sorry." Elijah pleaded. "I told you not to tella nyone Elijah, I warned you." "I'm sorry I'm sorry please." He continued "I gave you a chance." I said as I pulled a knife from my pocket. "But you blew it." I walked over to where the two twins were sitting, Ethan got up, trying to drag Elijah with him but Elijah didn't go, he just backed up until he couldn't anymore. "ELIJAH MOVE!! PLEASE!!" Ethan screamed. But it was already holding my arms over him so he couldn't move at all. He tried fighting but it was easy to hold his skinny body in place. I pushed the knife into his stomach as he screamed in pain, what a satisfying noise. I pulled the knife out of his stomach and watch him hold his hands pathetically over his stomach. Blood poured and coated his hands in crimson red. I smiled at the wonderful sight. Just as I was admiring it I felt a harsh shove and I was pinned against the wall. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PSHYCO I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU, I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE YOU NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN YOU FREAK!!!!!"  Ethan screamed at me. I laughed. "THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS FUCKING FUNNY ABOUT THIS. YOU STABBED MY FUCKING BROTHER YOU MONSTER!" I laughed again " I think you forget I'm the one with the knife here Ethan and I can help you join your PATHETIC TWIN at any moment." He pulled his hands away from me, so I was unpinned. I smiled and then he turned around and punched me. I was shocked. I stood up and pushed him backwards so he bumped into the wall, and this is where our fight started. We were throwning punches at eachother for around 5 minutes, I had dropped my knife somewhere in this fight so I all had to use were my fists. I punched him hard in the stomach causing him to fall back. He was going to loose this fight and he knew it. Just then he did something very unexpected. He ran out of the room and down the corridor. I was confused for a second and then I realized what he was doing.

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MWHAHAHAHAHA cliffhanger :3 The next chapter gonna get real juicy! Anyways Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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