Chapter 2: Ground rules

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It was after dinner, I was in my room and felt my bad emotions return again. I didn't want to move in with Tim, I hate his bad temper and strict rules. The thought of barricading my door came to mind, but it won't fix the problem, I'll still have to be roommates with him. I let myself fall on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Tears started forming in my eyes. I gritted my teeth and slowly crawled into a fetal position, holding my legs tightly. A knock on my door gave me a slight jumpscare. I quickly sat up and wiped the tears out of my eyes.

''W-Who is it?'' I asked, knowing damn well it's Hoodie and Masky

''It's me and Tim, we're here to help move your stuff.'' Brian answered

Called it. I stared at my door for a few seconds, trying to delay the inevitable as long as possible.

''Come in.'' I sighed

Hoodie and Masky entered my room, they looked at me for a second before turning to each other.

''Any preference on what to carry first?'' Masky asked

''Let's do the dresser first, I feel like that'll be the heaviest.'' Hoodie answered

They picked up my dresser and carried it away, I didn't follow them. When they came back Hoodie walked towards me.

''We might not have space for your desk, so it probably has to stay here in your room. Would that be a problem with you?'' He asked

''No it's fine...'' I mumbled

''You can take out things from the drawers you'd like to have on hand.''

''Okay I'll have a look I guess.'' I mumbled

While Masky and Hoodie carried my bedframe away I looked through my desk drawers. I decided to only take a notebook and pen with me. When the older Proxies returned again Masky took my mattress and Hoodie took my nightstand. Before leaving my room Brian had asked if I could carry my bedsheets and pillow. I followed them, carrying my pillow and bedsheets. Tim's room was bigger than mine, not that mine was small, but he still had more space. Thank god because being cramped in a small bedroom with him would really be torture for the both of us. Imagine if there wasn't any space for my bed and I had to sleep in his bed. With him. I felt my face heat up and quickly shook my head. That's such a weird thought. From the doorways perspective, my bed was placed in the far left corner so I could only get out of bed on one side. Between my bed and Tim's bed was my nightstand. My dresser was in the furthest right corner, straight across from my bed. With my desk here it would indeed be a bit cramped. It's fine I almost never use it anyway. While Hoodie and Masky were talking about something I checked out the bathroom. Just like his room, Tim's bathroom was also bigger than mine. I don't know how I felt about sharing a bathroom though. I turned around to the two older Proxies, who now had turned their attention to me.

''Can I still use m-my own bathroom?''

''For what exactly? There's nothing wrong with my bathroom.'' Masky asked

''To s-shower.'' I answered

''You can shower here Toby.'' Brian interjected

''But what if Tim's in the shower and I want to s-shower too.''

''If it's really that necessary you can go to your own bathroom. Still, brushing your teeth, showering and so on has to be done here, in Tim's bathroom. It's now also your bathroom Toby.'' Brian continued

''O-Okay... I'll grab my toothbrush and other stuff then.'' I mumbled

I went back to my room to grab my bathroom things, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel... I stared at myself in the mirror. Now I officially have nowhere to escape to anymore. Nowhere to silently cry. I wanted to punch my reflection. But I quickly pulled my hateful gaze at myself away from the mirror and walked back into my room. My room looked weird without most of my stuff in it. I hope nobody is gonna waltz in now, thinking it's not my room anymore. The thought of somebody having been in my room without my knowledge always makes me uncomfortable. I guess being roommates with Tim slightly has an advantage with that. Nobody dares come into his room or take his stuff without permission. I walked back to Masky's room with my belongings, slightly dragging my feet. I saw that Hoodie was leaving, I sighed and continued to head to my new room. After putting the things in the bathroom I wanted to leave.

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