Chapter 7: Firey fury

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When I woke up the sound of Tim's snoring filled the bedroom. I sighed and rolled around so I could see what time was. 2:28 AM. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I laid on my back with my eyes closed, trying my hardest to just tune out the noise and fall back asleep. After a few minutes I could hear Tim shifting around in his bed which made him stop snoring. Did he wake up..? It was weird for the room to be dead silent. It almost felt unusual. I didn't mind though, I finally relaxed and rolled on my side.

Tim started snoring again.

My eyes shot open. You gotta be kidding me. I was not having this. I threw off my covers and got out of bed. I walked over to his bed and gave him a nudge. Tim mumbled something incoherently and shifted around. I don't care if it means I'll have to wake him up for me to have some peace and quiet. I got back to my bed and angrily tried to get comfortable. Let's try this again. It was silent for a few minutes, then a few more, and a few more. Sleep was taking over again.

Then, all of a sudden, he started again.

I groaned. This was extremely annoying. I got up and decided to get dressed. Guess I'll just have to sneak out, again! I got caught a few days ago so I'll have to be extra careful. Now that I think about it, Tim wants to keep tabs on me and has given me all these rules. I actually sneak out more because I can't even sleep because of him. He's just making it worse for himself. Perhaps I could sleep in my own room. I do miss sleeping. What would other people do if somebody snores? Sleep somewhere else, fully wake the person up or earplugs perhaps. I could try that. I'll ask nurse Anne if she has any. I'm sure we have some in our medical stores, right? In a (far fetched) way they're related to health. Having a good night's sleep is necessary so... I will ask tomorrow.

''What are you doing up so late?''

I flinched, totally being caught off guard by the fact I wasn't alone out in the forest. I recognized the voice and turned to them. Kagekao was leaning against a tree. Had he been following me?!

''Just going for a stroll.'' I said casually

''Does anybody know you're out here?'' He asked

''Who cares.'' I rolled with my eyes

''It would be shame if Brian or Tim found out.'' He giggled

I glared at him. What an asshole. Of course he would want to rat me out. He loves getting others in trouble. I had to be careful. If I pissed him off he would snitch me, but I didn't want to kiss his ass either. Kagekao is unpredictable. I wonder if Brian and Tim would believe him if he told them I was in the forest at night. Kage likes to spread rumors and tell lies, he thinks that's entertaining. I'd rather not take the risk though.

''No need for that.''

''You're right, let's do something fun instead.''

''I don't like or t-trust your version of fun.''

''How does arson sound?''

I twitched, making my neck vertebrae crack loudly.

''You know i'm not a-allowed to-'' I mumbled

''It involves messing with Jeff.''

''I'm listening.''

''Jeff gave me an attitude today so i'd like to get back at him with something worse. I was thinking of stealing something from him and setting it on fire.''

''Sounds fun, i'm in.'' I smirked

Kagekao giggled with excitement. We went over how we could execute our plan. It was simple, but still risky. I would go into Jeff's room to grab something while Kagekao stood watch. If somebody saw him they wouldn't think anything of it. Most people know now that I am roommates with Tim with lots of restrictions attached. I'd rather not get snitched. Jeff was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up by turning on a light. I looked around his room in the dark, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness but I still couldn't see much.

I went over to the shape of his dresser and searched through his drawers by feeling around. But burning some socks didn't feel like vengeance. Despite this being Kagekao's plan/mission, I also wanted to do this for myself. I've always wanted to take revenge on Jeff for being an asshole. I went into his bathroom and blindly felt around. I grabbed his toothbrush and put it in my pocket. When I walked towards his bed I almost tripped over something. I froze after I caught my balance, me almost tripping was kind of loud. Thankfully he was still fast asleep (I hope). The thing that could've ruined everything if I hadn't acted quickly was a hoodie. I picked it up, pretty sure it was his favorite hoodie. This'll do. I quietly left his room and whispered to Kage what I got. He wasn't satisfied though.

Shoes were allowed in the mansion, as long as they weren't muddy. It is your own choice to keep your shoes on in your bedroom or take them off. Most people take their shoes off in their room. Our bedrooms could be seen as small apartments, in a way. Naturally people put their shoes next to their bedroom door.

Kagekao opened Jeff's bedroom door again and grabbed one of his shoes. Before I realized what he was doing he had already thrown the shoe. I heard the thud of it hitting Jeff. He was woken up and yelled:

''What the fuck?!''

Kage sprinted out of his room and I followed him. Adrenaline had kicked in. Partly from being excited we could piss him off (it felt like ding dong ditching), partly because of fear. I'd rather not get caught by a raging Jeff while I had sneaked out. I heard him yell behind me. He tried to follow us but Kage and I had a head start and were fully awake. Eventually we stopped behind the shed near the mansion. We were both catching our breath while also laughing. The risk factor totally made everything better.

''What now?'' I asked

''Drop your loot on the ground.''


Kagekao pulled a small canteen out of his pocket. It looked like one of those canteens that holds strong liquor.


''I put gasoline in it!'' He said proudly

''Smart, was wondering how you wanted to set e-everything a blaze.''

I watched him pour the gasoline on the hoodie and toothbrush. Then he pulled out a box of matches and lit a match. Everything went up in flames as soon as the dropped match made contact with the gasoline soaked hoodie. I couldn't help but smile brightly. The fact the fire was burning something that belongs to Jeff made it even more satisfying.

''Don't get too turned on by the fire.'' Kage teased

''Shut up. I'm just enjoying Jeff's suffering.''

He chuckled and said something in Japanese. We both leaned against the shed and proudly watched the fire. This was fun, a lot of fun. I totally got a kick out of this. I misjudged the type of fun Kagekao likes to have, sometimes– Other times the things he does aren't my cup of tea.

''So, n-no telling on each other alright?''

''Of course not~ You know, I've always wanted a partner in crime.''

''You mean somebody who wants to mess with Jeff as badly as you do?''

''Pretty much. I like messing with everybody though. Well, almost everybody.''

I let out a small chuckle. Maybe I could hang out with Kagekao here and there to cause mischief. That didn't sound so bad, this was fun.

Where the wolves go, ravens follow (Creepypasta)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat