Chapter 19: Stay quiet

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After each night of hearing it I still haven't gotten used to the snoring. I've had sleepless nights and I'm exhausted from the training and chores. As soon as I get into bed I fall asleep but get awoken a hundred times because of the loud noise. He's like a bear hibernating. A really loud bear. Actually I don't think bears make any sound during hibernation... Oh well.

My heart dropped when I heard the door slowly being opened. Somebody was entering our room. My eyes locked on the door. I was frozen for a moment. I wasn't exactly scared, if they wanted to try something I could beat their ass. But most importantly I had Tim with me. I could yell and he'd be awake and the person would probably run off. I waited. I wanted to try and see who it was in the dark first. They probably expected us to be sleeping. My eyes had adjusted to the dark, but I could always turn on the bed light as backup. I had my eyes glued to the person. A bit of moonlight that shone through the crack of the curtains almost 'illuminated' the white parts of the outfit in the dark. Those white parts gave it away. While they closed the door behind them I slowly sat up.

''What the hell Kage–'' I whispered

Kagekao held back a giggle and walked over to my bed. He sat down, facing me.

''Kage, what are you doing here?! Get out.'' I whisper yelled

''I just wanted to see you~''

''You're going to wake up Tim, leave.'' I whispered trying not to laugh

''Relax~ He's in dreamland no way he'll wake up.''

''So, you just w-wanted to see me..?''

''Yeah, haven't seen you in a while.''

He squeezed my side and I let out a small yelp. I instinctively glanced at Tim, by the sound of it he was still asleep.

''STOP, you're gonna get us in trouble.'' I whispered, trying to sound serious

''He won't wake up if you stay quiet~''

''But you–''

''Then let's leave the room.''

''I can't.''

I pointed to my shock collar.

''It's set to a range, if I leave the room for a few steps it shocks me. Besides the night shift proxies will get an alert of my movement.''

''Doesn't that mean the remote is here with Tim?''

''No, they thought of everything.''

''Have you ever tried to see if they're bluffing?''

''Believe me I tried and was met with a high voltage s-shock.''

Kagekao inspected the shock collar and tried to take it off.

''Trust me, I've tried.'' I sighed

''Is it waterproof?''

I hummed and sighed.

''Are you really going to let a little shock stop you?''

''The shock won't stop until I'm back in range again.''

''They really thought of everything... Oh well, you're probably into it anyway~'' He teased

''What– N-No!''

''Not even a little?~''

I playfully pushed him, he almost fell off my bed and I snickered.

''What are you into then?''

''You, a little.'' I teased back

''Do you want to get into me?~''

''Kage I didn't mean it like that!''

I glanced to my right to look at Tim (even though it was still dark, it was pure instinct to look at him). Then I turned my attention back to Kagekao. I took off his mask and put it down on my bed. I cupped my hands around his face and pulled him closer. We started making out. I really hoped Tim wouldn't wake up right now. This was a bad idea, that won't stop me though. Kage teased me with his hands. Wanting me to make a noise or give him a reaction. He likes getting me into trouble. I choked back a moan when he squeezed my erection. As revenge I bit the nape of his neck. Kagakeo moaned. I felt my body tense up as a reaction to his noise. My hands were clammy, my heart was beating fast. I wanted him to make that sound again. I wanted to bite him again.

Tim's snoring stopped. We both froze. He rolled around a bit before getting up. Kage quickly and quietly dropped to the floor and hid under my bed. I lied down and tried not to laugh. Tim went to the bathroom to use the toilet. I leaned over the edge of my bed.

''Dude, you should go now.''

With no hesitation Kagekao grabbed my shirt and tried to pull me off my bed. I fought back while trying not to laugh. I was annoyed and didn't want him to know I thought it was funny. The toilet flushed and the sink turned on. Kage giggled when I managed to get free from his grip. The light in the bathroom turned off. I pretended to be asleep, still facing Tim so I could see what he was going to do next. Shit. The mask was still laying on top of my covers. Thanks to Tim's drowsy state he didn't hear us or turn on the light, he went straight back to bed. I was dead quiet, staring at Tim. Waiting for him to start snoring again.

I almost forgot there was a literal demon hiding under my bed so I jumped a bit when a hand emerged from under my bed and tried to grab me. I moved back so he couldn't grab me. Then I grabbed Kagekao's hand. Despite the fact he's trying to get me in trouble he's being sort of cute. We interlocked fingers.

I know he's a rather impatient person but he also likes to stay out of trouble. Creating trouble and starting drama is his glass of wine, as long as he can stay out of it and watch as entertainment. IF he decides to be funny right now, he'll be the one to get in trouble. This might be a rare moment where Kage behaves (in his own way).

I noticed Kagekao quietly crawling out from under my bed so he could stand up and sit on my bed again. NEVERMIND. Mischief was on the menu tonight. I violently shook my head no. With his index finger and middle finger he made his fingers walk. From my thigh to my stomach to my chest. I grabbed his wrist. Even in the dark I could see his grin. Had to admit this was more entertaining compared to being awake alone.

We waited for Tim to fall back asleep.

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