Chapter 10: Smells nice

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I opened the medicine cabinet and looked through his things again. Who knows, I might be lucky enough to find sleeping pills. I had the urge to throw all of Masky's belongings away, or burn them, or both. But I was afraid that if he found it was me (which was honestly obvious) Masky would do the same to my belongings. I'd rather keep my items. I grabbed a half empty bottle of pills and put it in my pocket. I'll throw it away in a garbage bin that wasn't in our bedroom (that would've been stupid). His cigarettes have also been a target of mine. Masky keeps his cigs in his jacket, but he basically always wears his jacket. So it hasn't been easy taking his pack of cigarettes. I might have to try when he's asleep.

A bottle of cologne caught my eye. I grabbed it and put some on. It smelled really nice. Holy shit is this what Tim smells like?! (I mean, if you ignore the coffee and cigarette smell-) I've never been close enough to really know what he smells like. Now I know. Not sure why but it made me blush. Despite the nasty smoking habit he does at least try to not smell bad. I already knew he was hygienic but I didn't expect this for some reason.

I walked out of the bathroom and wanted to leave the bedroom but suddenly stopped in my tracks. I slowly turned to Masky's alarm clock. I've grown quite a dislike towards that annoying alarm clock of his. He wouldn't notice if I messed with it a bit... Okay he'll notice when he wakes up to a messed up sleep schedule, but that's a problem for tomorrow. I turned off the alarm clock setting so now it was just a digital clock. Perfect, it's nice to find new ways to mess with him. I closed the bedroom door behind me with a smirk.




My hatchet hit the target.

Am I into girls? I've been thinking about that question a lot since I had that fight with Tim. Since I've become a Proxy I haven't thought about relationships or my sexuality. It could be a side effect from the Slenderman for all I know.

Most guys would fall in love with a girl like Clockwork. In normal circumstances– Now everything is a bit complicated with being a serial killer. She means a lot to me, but I don't love her. I guess I love her platonically..? She's a sisterly best friend to me. I know she doesn't have feelings for me either. If she does, she's really good at hiding it.

Is anybody in the mansion interested in the same gender? I could ask them, if I know anybody... Honestly I'd rather not go around and randomly ask people, they'll probably find me suspicious. I'll ask Clockwork if she knows anybody and keep it at that.

On my way back to the mansion I heard two voices arguing. I went over to see what the fuss was about. Sally and BEN were bickering in front of the shed. I walked over to them and asked what was going on.

''BEN doesn't want to help get my ball back.'' Sally pouted

''Because it's not my probleeemmm.'' BEN sighed

''Let me guess, one of you t-threw it on the roof.''

Sally nodded and BEN rolled his eyes. Well this should be easy, just grab that ball and they stop fighting. I walked around the shed, knowing there was an old wooden ladder on the ground next to it. I picked it up and put it upright against the shed, then climbed the ladder. When I was on the roof I grabbed the ball and threw it down. Sally smiled and thanked me, BEN didn't really care. I climbed back down the ladder, they better not play near the shed again or SNAP–

The wooden ladder suddenly collapsed under my weight. I was about halfway down the ladder so I still had a big fall to the ground.

''Shit, dude are you okay?'' BEN asked

''You're bleeding!'' Sally yelled

I sat up. Wooden chunks and splinters were laying around me on the ground. I noticed a few bleeding cuts and one wooden chunk that pieced my leg.

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