Chapter 11: Rough morning

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Slight warning: homophobia/homophobic slurs (still wanted to give a warning just in case)

Because of Masky's early schedule the natural clock in my body has gotten used to waking up early. Which means I automatically wake up around the time his alarm goes off. This morning was a bit different. I did wake up early, yes, but somebody else didn't...

Eventually I heard him stop snoring and shift around his bed, pretty sure he rolled around to look at his digital alarm clock. I was facing the wall, having my back turned towards him. My eyes were closed.

''Goddammit.'' He cursed under his breath

I smiled. Masky quickly got out of bed and hastily started doing his morning routine. While he was brushing his teeth he walked back into the bedroom to shake me. I'm a bad actor but I just mumbled something like I had just woken up. Masky paced around, trying to rush his morning routine by doing things at the same time. I rolled around to look at the time. It was almost 9 AM. Satisfied I slowly got out of bed and did my morning routine. My morning routine is rather short. When I still had my own room I always woke up as late as possible, so I could lay in bed for as long as I could since my morning routine is so short–

We both made our way downstairs. Alright so, it wasn't in any way illegal or not allowed to have your own meal times. Snacks in between were also allowed for everybody. If a non-Proxy wanted to get up extra early to eat breakfast with us, that was allowed. We just have different times to not have the kitchen too crowded. Although honestly the Proxy ranking might have to do something with being separated– Not everybody wants to eat the same. With me and Masky being Proxies (especially him being a high ranked one) we could basically do almost anything we wanted. I was happy we were late together. Now we could share the blame (despite this being my fault ssshhhh).

''Wow, you two are late.'' Jeff smirked

That asshole always gets breakfast at 8:59 and claims he's still on time. I can't imagine what kind of hell he was for his teachers.

''Can it Woods.'' Masky sneered

Masky isn't a morning person, especially not without his coffee. Mix that with the fact he overslept and boom, moody ticking time bomb (even worse than usual). I didn't feel like setting him off though. I'll let somebody else take that heat today. While he got a cup of coffee I made myself some breakfast. Jeff was still hanging around in the kitchen which I found suspicious. I glanced over at him and noticed he was wearing something different. I bit my lip trying not to laugh. Kage and I should burn all his clothes sometime. This was the first time i've seen him since me and Kage burned his–

I noticed Masky leaving the kitchen as soon as he got his coffee, probably went to look for Hoodie. Shit, I was going to be alone with that asshole. As soon as he was out of sight Jeff started throwing random insults at me.

''Tired from having an one night stand with each other because you're faggots?'' He laughed

I ignored him. His level of thinking is like a preschooler. I just wanted to quickly finish my breakfast so I could leave. Weakass only has the courage to run his mouth when Masky isn't around. Jeff wasn't satisfied with not getting a reaction, so he pulled another insult out of his ass.

''You look like you're freshly pulled out of the morgue.''

''You look like an asshole.'' I rolled with my eyes

''Oh really? Surprised you know how one looks like since you're a virgin.''

What am I, a gay having one night stands or a virgin? His insults are incredibly cheap and predictable. Is he really so dumb he can't keep track of the things he's said to me..? I can't believe he's older than me.

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