Chapter 3: First night

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I woke up dead tired. I felt horrible and drained. Tonight was awful. Tim snored the entire time. I barely slept. I don't even know if I even slept at all. All I remember are the glowing red numbers of my digital clock going from 1 AM to 7 AM in the matter of minutes. At least that's what it felt like.

I yawned and enjoyed the warmth of my bed. I'll just sleep in to make up for the restless night. Then I heard a very annoying noise. It was Tim's alarm. I grinded my teeth. You gotta be kidding me. I'll just pretend to be asleep– I heard Tim get out of bed and do his morning routine. Brushing his teeth, showering, putting on clothes, all that crap. Even though I tried to, I couldn't fall back asleep. I was exhausted but had trouble letting my guard down. I wasn't used to sharing my room with somebody.

''Get up Rogers, we have to get breakfast.''

I ignored him.

''I know you're awake, get up.''

How the hell could he know that–

''Toby i'm serious.'' He warned

I slowly rolled over to face Tim. I glared at him. He was already dressed, mask and all. I had the urge to roll over again, I was in a very cranky mood. A moody mood. I looked at the red numbers. 7:40 AM. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. Then I slowly sat up. Masky continued to glare at me.

''Come on, get up, I don't have all day.''

''I do.''

''Excuse me?''

''Nothing.'' I mumbled

I fought back a smile. Teasing him is going to be so easy now that we basically have to be together 24/7. You know what, I might get a kick out of this. Getting Masky worked up is just too easy. He's doing this to himself.

I got out of bed and rushed my morning routine. I didn't feel like taking a shower, I'll do that tonight. Stupid Proxy breakfast time... All the Proxies have to eat breakfast at 8 AM, other residents have breakfast at 8:30. It's not necessary, if you want to skip breakfast and eat at lunch time that's allowed. That doesn't apply to me unfortunately. No sleeping in for me anymore.

Same with lunch and dinner times, it's separate for Proxies and non Proxies. When I was done we walked downstairs and joined other Proxies in the kitchen. Tim immediately went over to Brian to talk to him, probably about me. I grabbed some bread and made a quick sandwich with butter and ham. Then I silently sat down at the table, near Tim and Brian. I see all the Proxies as 'coworkers', I'm not friends with any of them. So I always hated the eating time schedule. I barely have friends here, I see Clockwork as a friend but since she isn't a Proxy I can't hang out with her a lot. Same with BEN, I like to hang out with him sometimes, but that's even more rare than spending time with Clockwork. I felt sad thinking about it. I feel alone. I've always been alone. Always.

''We have a mission tonight.'' He announced

I looked up at Tim. He had a cup of coffee in his hands. I looked past him, Brian was talking to somebody else. I continued eating my breakfast, not really caring honestly.

''We have to go by car.'' He added

''Alright.'' I said dryly

When I finished eating my breakfast I put my plate in the dishwasher and wanted to leave. Masky put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I turned to him.

''Where do you think you're going?''

''We had breakfast. Now i'm leaving.''

''That's not part of the rules. We go together, we leave together. I'm not done so sit back down.''

''You gotta be kidding me–''

''Sit. Down.''

''Do I look like a f-fucking dog?''

''At least a dog listens.''

I glared at him. After having a staredown for a few seconds I turned around again to leave. But Masky grabbed me by the back of my neck and dragged me back to the table. He forced me to sit down on a chair. I silently stared at the table, frowning. I felt angry and embarrassed. I nervously twitched a few times.

I remember how things were when I first got here. I was terrified. Who wouldn't be? You're kidnapped by a bunch of creepy strangers and get told you're a Proxy now. A Proxy of the Slenderman. Without a say you have to serve him or else you get brainwashed into a puppet or killed. So I obeyed out of fear.

Until eventually I started to know how things went around here and I got used to being a Proxy. Because of that I lost my fear. With little to no fear left I keep pushing the limits and disobey more and more. That could be the reason they're suddenly on my ass again. They're losing control over me.

''Because of your attitude you have to do the dishes.''

''Don't we have a dishwasher for that..?''

Tim pointed at the dishes. I slowly got up. I thought about just walking away again, to show he doesn't have control over me anymore. It was tempting, but I'll save the rest of my attitude for another time (I have plenty to spare). I still have a mission with him tonight. If I fight with him now, I'll just make it worse for myself.

I started doing the dishes while Tim watched me. I hated being watched, it gets on my nerves. Did he seriously not have anything better to do?

''I hope you know why we don't want you to be alone in the forest at night.''

''You don't trust me.'' I mumbled

''I don't trust you being alone.''

''Of course you don't.'' I gritted my teeth

One of my twitches almost made me drop a plate.

''It's not safe Toby, there–''

''This w-whole place isn't safe.'' I cut him off

''There are things in the forest that want to get you.''

''If that's true, those 'things' would've done something already.''

''I don't want to take any risks. They've been getting bold lately. I still forbid you to hang out in the forest alone, especially at night.''

''Whatever.'' I mumbled

What a weird conversation. Seriously, what the hell was he talking about? Things in the forest my ass. In all the time I've been here I've encountered nothing. I'm sure it was a hoax, but I won't fall for it. There can't be something out there that's scarier than the things that live here. I refuse to believe worse things than the Slenderman are in this forest.

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