Funny thing was, Jennie did trust her, even if she didn't want to.

"Okay. Why don't we meet somewhere for coffee?"

"I'd rather have some privacy. Either your place or mine."

Exhaling, Jennie said, "You're not making this easy, Lisa."

"I know. But some of what I have to tell you really needs to stay between you and me. It's... there's something I've never told anyone, about me. Something you need to know. I hope... I hope it helps you understand."

Jennie couldn't ignore the earnestness in Lisa's voice. She sounded resolute and passionate, crumbling Jennie's determination to keep her distance. She told herself that didn't mean she was a fool. This was a woman she'd fallen for, hard, uncharacteristically quickly. There had been something real between them. Maybe there still was.

"I was planning to spend today on the couch," Jennie said, "watching old movies. Come over whenever you want."

"Great. Thanks." Beneath Lisa's relief, Jennie sensed an undercurrent of fear. "I'll be over soon."

"I'll need to tell Irene and the others that you're coming," Jennie said, before Lisa could hang up. "So they'll let you through."


"I won't let Irene know you have new information. You and I can talk first. Then we'll decide what to tell her."

"That's all I ask." Lisa exhaled shakily. "Thank you, Jennie."

Jennie hoped she hadn't just agreed to something she'd regret. She'd do anything for more information about her stalker, but she wasn't exactly ready to have her heart stomped on again. Whatever Lisa needed to tell her, she hoped it was worth the risk. "You're welcome. I'll see you later."

Disconnecting their call, Jennie took a deep breath before pulling up Irene's number and clicking the Call button. Irene answered on the second ring. "Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," Jennie said. "I wanted to make you aware that I have a visitor coming over this afternoon."

"Okay. Who?"

Jennie hesitated. "Lisa."

She didn't have to see Irene's face to know she was scowling. "Oh, really."

"She wants to talk." Jennie bit her lip, committed to keeping her promise about not telling Irene everything. Not yet. "Don't judge me."

"I'm not."

Jennie knew that was a lie. Whether or not Irene knew the real reason for Lisa's visit, Jennie didn't like Irene thinking she was foolish. "You are. And I'm asking you not to."

"Okay," Irene said in a tight voice. "I just care about you. You don't need her bullshit right now."

"I'll be fine. I just wanted to make sure you knew I was expecting her."

"Of course. If you need anything, you know how to call me."

Jennie barked out a humorless laugh. "Come on, Irene. Talking to Lisa is hardly panic-button material."

"You never know."

Rolling her eyes, Jennie said, "I'll see you later, Irene. Enjoy your Saturday."

"You, too."

Jennie hung up, tossing her phone aside. She eyed her cereal, but her appetite had vanished. She was going to see Lisa again. Groaning, she slumped on the couch and turned up the sound on the television, hoping to drown out her anxious thoughts.

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