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Lisa staggered back into her house after Jennie sped off, forcing her mind to the task at hand. She could fall apart about what had just happened later. Right now she had a call girl to instruct, and time was running out. The transformation was itching at her skin.

Another forty-five minutes and she would be completely out of her mind from the moon. If the blonde didn't leave before then, Lisa would have even more to worry about than breaking Jennie's heart.

The blonde stood up as Lisa stumbled into the living room. She looked Lisa up and down with uneasy eyes. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Lisa gritted her teeth and gestured toward her guest room. "Shall we?"

Clearly uncertain what to think of her, the escort offered her hand. "I'm Sunmi."

Bracing herself for the inevitable, Lisa shook Sunmi's hand, suppressing a groan at her body's reaction to the tactile stimulation.

"Lovely to meet you." She withdrew quickly. "We need to hurry. I'm on a schedule and we're already running late."

Sunmi followed her into the guest room. Like her predecessor, she didn't react visibly to the steel table bolted to the floor. Her eyes were glued to Lisa's face. "I'm sorry if I caused any trouble between you and your friend back there. If you'd like to reschedule, I completely understand."

"That won't be necessary." Lisa tugged on the belt of her robe, pushing the flimsy garment off her shoulders and onto the ground. "Listen, what I need is very simple, but it's important you do exactly as I tell you."

It took every ounce of Lisa's concentration to get through her bullshit speech about how she liked to be lashed to a table so tight she could barely breathe. Because she liked feeling powerless. Right. She felt powerless every day, and she was sick and tired of it.

Sunmi listened carefully to every word, never betraying any reaction at all, then tied her as tight as anyone had ever dared. By the time Lisa was immobilized on the table, she could no longer speak.

Mixed in with all the lust and power she felt just shy of her shift was the terrible memory of watching Jennie limp away in tears.

Lisa was glad Sunmi wasn't afraid to take things to the extreme. If Lisa escaped tonight, her grieving, enraged beast-self could do anything, to anyone. One of her last coherent thoughts as Sunmi tied the final knot was that she would be sure to tip her well, and ask for her again.

"Eight o'clock tomorrow morning?" Sunmi walked to the guest room door, tossing the spare set of house keys in her hand. "I'll see you then, okay?"

Lisa grunted in the affirmative. Speaking required too much effort, took more conscious thought than she could summon.

"You have a good night, Lisa. I hope you get what you want out of this."

Lisa waited until she heard her front door shut before she choked out the sobs that tore at her insides. What she wanted was already gone.

Tipping back her head, she howled in pain.

It was going to be a long, dark night.


Lisa came awake with a strangled gasp. She tried to sit up, but the rope and steel around her limbs kept her prone on the steel table. Exhaling shakily, she let her head drop back. She'd made it through another transformation safe and secure. After a moment she lifted her head and surveyed the length of her body. The rope was frayed and nearly torn through in places. But it had held.

She'd forgotten how damn good it was to survive another full moon knowing she hadn't hurt anyone, herself included. But any relief she felt was short-lived. As she struggled to remember the events leading up to the loss of human consciousness, terrible, fragmented memories assaulted her. Opening the door to find Jennie on her front porch. Fucking her hard, so hard she'd limped away in pain. The angry red bite imprint on Jennie's neck where Lisa had marked her. Worst of all, the betrayal in Jennie's eyes when she realized Lisa had never planned to leave town. When the call girl, whose name Lisa couldn't remember, had arrived.

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