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Jennie didn't know what to think about the drastic shift in her mood over the past twenty minutes. Before Lisa came over, she was scared, of the strange turn the Golden Gate Park killer case had taken, of Irene's revelation that Lisa might be the anonymous tipster, of the possibility that she had once again fallen in love with someone who could so easily mislead her. But more than being afraid, Jennie had been determined. She had sworn to herself that she would ask Lisa about the anonymous phone call straight up, to hell with the consequences. If Lisa hadn't made the call, at worst Jennie would embarrass herself for having lent any credence to Irene's suspicions. But if Lisa was the tipster, Jennie needed to know. Not only because Lisa could have useful information without knowing it, but also for Jennie's own peace of mind.

If Lisa had discovered that body, she had been keeping a pretty big secret. And it needed to be brought out into the open if their relationship had any hope of surviving. After Irene, Jennie couldn't deal with more lies. She just couldn't. She was willing to give Lisa the benefit of the doubt that she had hidden the truth for good reason. What she couldn't do was look the other way.

But all that fear and determination had disappeared within Lisa's embrace on the couch. The simple touch of Lisa's hands, then her gentle kisses, had chased away every bit of Jennie's negative emotion, leaving her filled with almost crippling desire. The only thing Jennie felt now was a fierce urge to connect with Lisa at the most primal level.

She could find no logical reason for her wildly vacillating emotions, but she was beyond caring. She wanted to trust Lisa, she needed to trust

Lisa, because, plain and simple, Lisa made her happy. Beyond happy. Lisa was everything to her, inexplicable as that was.

Now Jennie was another kind of determined. Determined to reestablish their connection, to prove to herself that she trusted Lisa implicitly. And the best way to do that was in bed. Before Lisa, Jennie had never been confident in her sexuality. She had never trusted anyone enough to truly let go and surrender her mind and body completely. But Lisa made that easy.

That had to mean something. Didn't it?

Jennie led Lisa to her bedroom by the hand, nervous anticipation fluttering in her belly. Together only two weeks, they'd already had a lot of sex. Passionate sex, loving sex, laughing sex, even a little rough sex. Tonight would be something different. Something special. When they made love tonight, it would be to prove something about this relationship, about the trust Jennie had in Lisa, and about Jennie's ability to give herself fully to another person.

She couldn't bear the thought that Irene had broken her forever, that the fear and distrust that relationship introduced into her life could seep into this thing with Lisa and destroy it. Lisa had never given Jennie any reason not to trust her intentions. Whatever had happened that day in Golden Gate Park, whoever made that anonymous call, Jennie believed in Lisa. She trusted that their growing feelings were real. By taking Lisa to bed right now, she was putting that trust into action.

Jennie began to undress the instant she entered her bedroom, tugging her shirt over her head, then unbuttoning her jeans. Lisa stopped just inside the doorway and watched with hooded eyes. Jennie slowed down once she realized that she had an appreciative audience, walking backward until her thighs hit the mattress. Reaching behind her back, she unhooked her bra with seductive languor. The desire that flooded Lisa's face as she bared her body stunned Jennie. Nobody had ever made her feel so beautiful. Lisa's obvious admiration gave her the courage to perform a playful striptease, something so outside her comfort zone she'd never even considered it before now.

Lisa made her feel like anything was possible. Even trust.

Once she was naked, Jennie beckoned Lisa forward with a crooked finger. "You're overdressed."

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