5: ʀᴏxᴛᴏ

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"Come, let's go and eat," I gestured. As we swam back to Lo'ak's marui, we saw my dad talking to Lo'ak's parents. They looked worried so we went somewhere else.

I sighed. "What do you think they're talking about?" I curiously asked.

"I don't know, shall we go eat?"

"Yes," I replied. We went to the center where the fireplaces had been lit and everyone sat in different circles around the different fires. I sat with Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tuk and Kiri of course. And as they were talking, I zoned out and couldn't stop thinking about how my mom had switched sides so quickly. Why does she love me all of a sudden? I thought she wouldn't care about me getting attached to them.

"Eyrina? Eyrina??" someone gently shook my shoulder. I looked to my right. It was Kiri. 

"Oh, yeah, I‑ I'm fine," I mumbled as I continued to eat. Everyone had a concerned look on their face but continued to eat. 

We were all eating peacefully when a shadow came up to us. I couldn't see because of the lighting outside.

"Eyrina, come," they gestured. I stood up to see who it actually was. Roxto.
I sighed.

"What do you want?" I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"I need to talk to you," He responded. I turned to everyone else.

"I'll be back soon guys," I turned back around to see him grinning, and he took me somewhere where no one was. I recognised this place, but I don't remember the last time I came here.


He turned to me with hope in his eyes.
"Okay, so, Eyrina, there's something–"
I interrupted him.

"It better not be that thing we already talked about," I said with a stern look.

"Yeah but-"

"No Roxto," I interrupted him once again.
"I don't feel the same way, okay? Now can we not talk about this ever again?"

I didn't give him time to reply and I walked away and he tried to say something and he reached his hand out for me, but I didn't care, he's crossed the line. I don't like him the same way he likes me.


The next day I found myself laying in my family Marui, with Tuk playing by herself in the distance. She looked sad as she was playing with the fish. So I went to cheer her up.

"Tuk?" She turned to me and her face lit up excitedly.

"Rina!!" it turns out everybody had a nickname for me, all the Sully's call me that now, and Aonung and Tsireya.
Tuk pulled me into a tight hug, and I suggested that we go for a swim together. She hopped onto her Ilu as I got onto mine, and I took her to one of my favourite places, it was a massive rock. Nothing special, but when you sit on it you get an amazing view of the sea.

I showed Tuk and we watched as the tiny fish followed an Eywa seed, a sign of good luck. I smiled, and in the corner of my eye was Lo'ak sitting in his Marui and smiling at me and Tuk. He didn't see me staring at him, but when I looked down Tuk caught me blushing.

"Why are your cheeks red?" She pointed at my left cheek.

"It's hot, aren't you hot right now?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't know I was lying. 
She was too innocent to know anyway.

"Sort of, can we go back now?" 

"Yeah, let's go," We got onto the back of our Ilu's and headed to Tuk's Marui.

As we got back Tuk saw her mom and ran to her, she was making food for eclipse time. I decided to help her.


After a long time of making food for everyone, it was nearly eclipse time as it was starting to get dark. Neteyam wanted to go for a swim with me before we had to go and eat, and I said yes.

I quickly snatched a few fruits from the fruit pile which were meant for eclipse time. Neteyam sniggered at the sight and I giggled before going to the end of the reef, just so that we were far away from everyone but not too far so that Neteyam and I would get in trouble. We ate the fruits, went for a swim, visited the Eywa tree and got back just in time for food. My father was a bit suspicious seeing us two together but I assured him I liked Roxto.

Now, obviously, I didn't feel any connection with Roxto, me and Roxto knew that, but we played along any time my dad was around since he wanted us two together. I didn't like the idea but I couldn't say no to my own father.


A/N: hellow guys, I'm am really sorry for making you wait so long for this chapter, I'm losing motivation and I might not continue the story, but if you want me to continue the story the please tell me in the comment section. I will still try to carry it on though. Thank you so much for the support guys. Love you and have a great day. Bye my lovelies!!

<33 -ffr0gg <33

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