Zero: The Princess, her Knight, and the Elevator

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I stand perfectly still as Arcueid Brunestud, the Tsukihime herself, stands in front of me.

'Shit, shit, shit! What is she doing here!?' I internally scream. 'She isn't even canon to the Fate series! Why is she here!?'

'Calm yourself. Now is not the time to freak out.' Khonshu advised.

My eye twitches. 'Don't fucking tell me to calm down! You're not the one standing before the vessel of the World itself! She can fucking kill me without moving a literal finger!' I cried. 'Also how the fuck are you so calm!? Do you not know who and WHAT she is!?'

'Of course I know! That is EXACTLY why you need to calm down!' Khonshu's voice lost its cool. 'She is an existence that can't be comprehended by gods. She is more akin to the planet itself given a human form. If she really wanted us dead, we wouldn't even be talking now would we!?'

"Hey. Are you alright?" Arcueid tilts her head. "You've been staring at me for the past 3 minutes?" She walks forward and waves her hand on my face. "Helloooo? Anyone home?"

My body jolts at how close she is to me. "W-What?"

"Finally. And here I thought you had fallen asleep." Arcueid places her hands on her hips. "So, are you going to answer my question?"

"W-What question?" I asked.

"That you are the source of that weird presence I've been tracking."

"Define weird."

Arceiud puts her finger on her chin. "Well... it felt like my dad but only on a smaller scale and his power has been diluted."

'So, she's been tracking Khonshu.' I thought. "If I said that I was the source, what would you do?" In that instant, an overwhelming pressure washes over me as I use all of my strength just to stand.

"What would I do? I think the answer's obvious." Arcueid began before giving me a goofy smile. "I have no idea!"

I deadpanned. "... huh?"

"Yeah. I sort of came here without a plan..." Arcueid admits. "Oh! Maybe I'll ask him why he missed so many birthdays, and beat him up for missing so many birthdays!"

'... what?' Even Khonshu was surprised.

"So... you really have no idea what to do?" I asked.

Arcueid nods. "Yup! Nothing at all!"

'Oh my god, this girl is a Class-A airhead!' I thought before letting out a sight. 'Oh well, at least I'm safe for now.'

"So, if you're not my dad then what are you?" Arcueid asked.

"Well to put it simply, I am a human though I'm more... unique than everybody else." I answered. "As you can already sense, I do share a connection to the Moon just like you. I am the [Moon Knight]."

"Oh my gosh, that's so cool! Are you a superhero?!" Arcueid asks with literal sparkles on her face.

I scratch the back of my head. "Hehehe... yeah."

"Are you a magus?" Arcueid then asks.

"No, and I'm actually glad I'm not." My response was full of venom.

Arcueid notices the shift in my tone. "You don't like magi, do you?"

"No, I don't. I don't think anyone would if they found out what they actually do to achieve their research." While I know there are good magi out there, I simply cannot agree with their methods, the Holy Grail War itself is a prime example of that. "I just want to stop the war before it gets out of hand."

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