Chapter 33

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Kol's POV:
I was in the kitchen making some food for Davina since she's been refusing to eat, or do anything at that matter. I can't say I blame her, I'm just worried for her.

While I'm cooking, I hear a knock at the door. I sigh turning the stove off and walking to the door. Once I open it, I see my dear brother, Nik, standing there. Oh goodie.

"Yes, Nik?" I say casually. "We need to talk." He says, walking straight in. "Well why don't you just Come in" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes and shutting the door, turning face to him. "Where's Davina?" He asks with a serious look on his face.

"She's upstairs. why? What's wrong?" I ask, starting to feel worried. Instead of saying something, he just heads up the stairs rather quickly. I follow behind him as he heads to mine and Davina's room.

When he gets to the door, he opens it quickly and I hear Davina gasp. "What the hell Klaus?!" She yells making me run to the door and my eyes widen when I see her with no shirt.

"Oh, bloody hell. Hurry up. This is important." He says turning away. "Ever heard of knocking?!" She yells at him, quickly putting a shirt on. "Like I said, this is an important manner, I didn't have time to knock. Maybe you should've kept your clothes on." He says making me roll my eyes.

"I was getting dressed!" She yells at him before grabbing a pillow and chucking it at him making it hit the back of his head. "Hey!" He hollers turning around. "What did you want Klaus?!" She asked, annoyed.

"She's alive." He says making both me and Davina look confused. "Who's alive?" I ask as me and him walk in the room. "Camille." He says making my eyes widen, along with Davina.

"What?! No! She is dead!" Davina yells at him making me sigh. "Just listen..." he says before Davina scoffs. "No! She is dead! Mikel killed her right in front of my eyes, so I don't want to hear ANYTHING from you!!!" She yells before walking past us, storming out of the room.

I sigh. "Davina" I say following her into Sebastian's room. "I don't want to hear it, Kol." She says picking Sebastian up. "Hey buddy, you hungry?" She asks him, walking straight past me.

"Kol. I'm telling the truth." Nik says behind me as I turn to him. "How? She died." I ask crossing my arms. "Vampire blood" he says making my eyes slowly widen. "She's a vampire?!" I ask shouting a bit.

He sighs. "Yes." He says making me frown. "Bloody hell" I mutter to myself. "Where is she?" I ask in a hushed tone. "I don't know. I left her in my study to come talk to you. Mikel brought her back for your baby." Nik says, and that definitely made my blood boil.

"And why was she in your study?" I ask. "I was having a drink when she just showed up and told me all this. I didn't know what to do. She doesn't want to do Mikel's dirty work, I can tell you that." He says making me sigh.

"But why her? I don't get it." I speak. "Because her and Davina are best friend's, you idiot." He says as I roll my eyes. "We can't tell Davina any of this." I warn him. "Why not?" He asks. "Because this would break her." I say to him making him roll his eyes.

"She has a right to know. It's her baby too and it's her friend." He says making me sigh. "I know that, Nik! But she can't handle this right now! And besides, too much stress can harm her and the kids!" I yell quietly at him before walking down the stairs,

"Where are you going?" He asks following. "To find our father" I say grabbing my jacket and leaving the house.

Davina's POV:
"Where the hell is he going?" I ask walking from the kitchen to Klaus. "I don't bloody know but I do know he is bloody stupid." He says making me raise an eyebrow. "What're you talking about?" I asked. "Nothing. I will see you some other time." He says waving me off making me scoff.

He goes to leave but I make him stop with my magic holding him in one place. "Davina what are you doing?!" He yells as I wince a bit. Doing magic while you're pregnant, hurts like a bitch.

"Tell me what the hell you two are up to or I swear to god Klaus-" I start but he interrupts me. "It's nothing, little witch. Now let me go!" He yells a bit. "No!" I shout before wincing. "You're only harming your children the more you hold me hostage." He says and I groan knowing he's right.

I sighed, letting him go. "Goodbye, love" he says before running out of the house. I frown looking down at my flat stomach as I rub it with my hand softly.

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