Chapter 15

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One Week Later

Davina's POV:
"I'm not leaving you Kol!" I yelled at Kol. He wanted me to take Sebastian, and leave New Orleans, somewhere far away with a cloaking spell, but I can't just leave him. "Davina, they won't find you if you leave. Sebastian will be safe. You will be safe." He said in a soft voice, asI rolled my eyes.

"Then come with us." I say to him and he sighs. "I need to stay with my siblings so we can get rid of them." He said to me. "Well then I'm not going." I said in a stern voice. I wasn't going to leave him. We've been apart long enough.

"You have to." He said. "We can find another way!" I said to him upsettingly. He sighed and walked closely to me cupping my face. "Please Davina. I just want you two safe." He said softly to me and a tear fell down my cheek.

"We've been apart too long, I don't want to be apart anymore." I said sobbing. Tears were streaming down my face. "We'll be reunited soon, love. I promise you." He said and wiped my tears.

"I love you" I said softly to him and he smiled. "I love you so much more." He said and kissed my lips. We slowly pulled away. "You should pack." He said and i sniffed.

I walked past him and walked upstairs to our room.

A few moments later

I finished packing and Kol was waiting downstairs holding Sebastian. I sighed and grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. I can't believe we're gonna be apart. Again.

I looked up at Kol and he gave me a weak smile. "It'll be alright, love." Kol said and I sighed. "I know, I know." I said with a frown. "Mama" Sebastian said as he reached his arms out for me. i smiled softly as i took him from Kol's arms.

Kol smiles and kisses Sebastian's cheek then my lips once more. "Be safe, please. I have a place for you, here are the keys and the address." He hands me the keys and a piece of paper. I take it and walks outside putting Sebastian in his car seat.

Kol walked out behind me and put our bags in the trunk. He walked over to me and hugged me tightly. "May we meet again." He whispered in my ear and I smiled softly with tears in my eyes.

"We will" I say to him and he wipes away my tears and smiles. "Don't cry love" he says to me and I chuckle. He kisses my lips passionately as I close my eyes and wraps my arms around his neck.

"You have to go now" he whispers to me as he pulls away. "I don't want to." I say with a tear drop falling down my cheek. "Darling we talked about this, it's the only way to keep you and our boy safe, please." he says and I sniffle.

"I know, I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it." I say as he wipes my tears and kisses my forehead. "Now go, and don't look back." He says to me and opens the car door. I get in and buckle up.

He backs away and I drive off, not looking back......

Kol's POV:
I hate this. God damn it! I close my eyes and take a deep breath just when I hear my phone ring. "What now?..." I muttered to myself and answers it.


"Kol? I think we have a way to stop them."

"What? Really?"

"Yes, come to the compound as soon as possible!"

"On my way now."

I quickly hang up and vamp speeds to the compound. When I enter, I see Klaus, Elijah, and Freya standing around each other. "Okay, I'm hear. Tell me the Plan." I say and they look at me.

Freya walks up to me. "Me and hope can hold them off and do a spell to put them in this." She shows a glowing blue square box in her hand. "What does this do?" I ask her confused. "The spell we must do, will kill them off, but put some of their spirit in each one of you." She says.

"What?" I ask. "You, Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah will each have a part of the ancestors inside you." She said and I look curious at her. "What'll happen then?" I ask and she sighs. "You each have to go your separate ways, you can't ever see each other again. Well, at least until I find a way to fix it." She says and my eyes widen.

"We can't do that!" I yell at her. What the bloody hell? Has she lost her mind? "Kol, if you want to save your child, it might be the only way!" She shouts at me. I sigh, looking at the ground then at her.

"Okay, let's do it." I say to her and she hugs me tightly.

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