Chapter 27

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1 week later

Hayley's POV:
"Hope, are you sure you can do this?" I ask my daughter. Me, Hope, and Freya went to Davina's house to try to bring her and Kol back. We didn't want Klaus to find out so that's why we're at her house. "I'm sure, mom." She says with a smile. I kneel down and cup her chin with my hand.

"Okay baby, just be careful." I say as she smiles at me. "Ready?" Freya asks looking at Hope who nods. Oh I hope this works.

Hope takes Freya's hand as she lays in the circle and Hope starts chanting.

A few moments later

Freya's POV:
I open my eyes gasping as I look around me. I'm definitely in the ancestral world. Now to find Davina and Kol. Where would they be?

I begin walking around trying to keep a low cover while looking for my brother and his girl. Come on guys, I know you're somewhere.

Davina's POV:
I was sitting by the church attic window watching everyone and everything outside the window. I let out a sigh as I hear someone enter the room.

I instantly tense up and slowly turn around only to sigh in relief as I saw Kol. "Are you alright love?" He asks me with a concerned look. I shoot a fake smile at him and nod. He walks closer to me and places one hand under my chin as he held my face up to him. "Don't lie to me, Davina." He says and I sigh. "I just thought you were someone else." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"Who?" He asks and I shrug. "My mother" I say quietly and looks down as he lifts my chin with two fingers. "She's not going to go anywhere near you, Ever. I'll make sure of that." He says and I smile Softly. Then I see his eyes trail towards the window with a confused look.

"What's wrong?" I ask him as I look behind me at the window. "My sister. She's here." He says and my eyes widen as I look towards the window. "What!?" I say cautiously and he look down at me. "Follow me." He says as he grabs my hand, quickly walking out of the room, leaving the church and I follow him.

We run outside into a crowd of people. "Damn it! I can't see her anywhere!" He yells frustrated and I grab his hand. "We'll find her." I say to him, as he looks at me. "Davin?! Kol!!" I hear a female voice yell as we turn around and it feel like a million pounds of weight has been lifted off my chest as I see Freya.

I let go of Kol's hand and runs up to her throwing myself at her giving her a tight hug as she returns it. I can feel a smile on her face. Kol walks up to us as I let her go. "Please tell me you're hear by choice" Kol says and she lets out a slight chuckle. "Yes, Hayley and Hope are helping me. But we don't have much time, we need to leave now." She says.

Me and Kol nod. "Okay, let's go someplace more private." She says and we follow her into the church, and she looks at us and holds her hand out. I take her hand in mine and Kol grabs my free hand. I look at Kol and lets out a soft smile.

"Okay, you guys ready?" She asks and we both look at her and nods. She closes her eyes and begins to chant.

"Nas we uras estas sue sastanance trasum uiso"

"Nas we uras estas sue sastanance trasum uiso"

"Nas we uras estas sue sastanance trasum uiso"

She chants three times when suddenly we appear back in my room, where it all started...

"Davina" I hear Hayley's voice as I open my eyes and look around the room. I instantly look at Hayley. "Hayley" I mutter as we just gaze at each other a few more moments until she suddenly walks up to me and slaps me across the face. "Don't you ever use my daughter like that again!" She yells in my face.

"I did what I had to. You would've done the same thing if it was Elijah! Or Hope!" I yell at her and she scoffs. "Don't you dare turn this around on me! I strictly said no but you did it anyway! You put her life in danger!!" She yells and I scoff.

"First of all she came to me!!! And second, like I said before, you'd do this if it was Elijah! So don't you dare yell at me!!!" I yell in her face just at Kol steps in between us. "I think that's enough." He says and Hayley scoffs. "If you ever try that again, Davina, I swear I'll kill you myself." She says to me and I just watch her leave the room.

Maybe I shouldn't have used Hope. It was wrong, but I can't change that. Kol turns to and cups my cheek with one hand. "Are you alright?" He asks me and I force a smile and nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say to him as I start to walk off. I let out a sigh as I go upstairs.

Kol's POV:
I sigh as I look at Freya. "Where's Sebastian?" I ask her and she looks back at me. "At the compound. Come on, I'll take you to him." She says and I nod. "Let me just check on Davina, first." i said to my sister, as i made my way upstairs, finding Davina in Sebastian's room. "Darling?" i called out softly to her. "Where's our baby?" She asked, turning to me. i smiled at her. "He's at the compound, Come on. Freya's waiting." i held out my hand, watching a small smile appear on her beautiful lips, as she took my hand. We headed downstairs to Freya, leaving the house as we head to the Compound.

As soon as we get there I walk in and everyone stares at me. "Well, where's the bloody welcome home?" I say to them with a smirk. "Kol" I hear Elijah mutter as he walks to me and hugs me tightly. I smile and quickly return the hug.

"I missed you too, Brother." As I let go, Nik walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. "We missed you, brother." he says, and I smile. "I missed you guys too. Now, where's my dear little sister?" I asked, as we pull away. "Well, i think Niklaus should answer that one for you." Elijah called out, giving a fake smile as he looked at Nik. I raised an eyebrow, looking at Nik. Just as he was about to say something, i suddenly see Rebekah walking downstairs, holding my son. 

"Sebastian!" Davina shouted, instantly running towards him, as she snatched him from my sister's arms, holding him close to her chest. I smiled softly, as i walked over to them. "Hey buddy" i smiled, kissing his head as he clutched onto Davina. Suddenly, Rebekah looked over at our elder brother, walking towards him, suddenly slapping him across the face. "You better sleep with one eye open, Nik." She threatened, before vamp speeding away.

Forgotten Hearts(Rewrite)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora