Chapter 28

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3 weeks later

Davina's POV:
"Something smells delicious" I hear a voice say from behind me. I smile, not looking back at him. "It's waffles" I say as he walks closer to me.

"Well, your waffles smell delicious" he says and kisses my cheek, wrapping his hands around my waist. I smile and turns my head to the side to look up at him. "Is Sebastian awake yet?" I ask him. "He's still asleep" he says as I turn the stove off and puts the waffles on a plate.

"Can you go wake him up please?" I ask turning to Kol who just smirks at me. I raise an eyebrow. "What?" I ask him confused. He leans closer to me and whispers in my ear. "I was hoping we could get our exercise in before he wakes up."

My eyes widen as my face turns completely red. He slowly moves my hair to the side, exposing my neck as I look up at him. He looks down at me, then to my neck as he leans down and places soft kisses on my neck causing me to let out soft moans. "Kol" I moan softly trying to get his attention.

He ignores me and continues kissing my neck. "Kol wait" I say, but nothing. I sigh and slightly push him off me causing him to look at me. "I need to tell you something..." I say to him, and he raises an eyebrow. "Alright, what is it?" He asks. I let in a deep breath, and out with the same.

I look up, gazing into his eyes, and suddenly I don't feel nervous anymore. "I'm pregnant." I say confidently as I watch his eyes widen. "What?!" He says with a shocked tone. I gulp starting to feel nervous again. I mean, what if he doesn't want it?

All these thoughts, they keep rushing to my brain until suddenly he grabs my waist and picks me up twirling me, causing me to laugh. "Put me down! Put me down!!" I yell laughing. He stops and gently puts me down. "I'm sorry, love." he says with a huge smile on his face.

I then feel a hand on my stomach. I look down at my flat stomach only to see his hand on it, his thumb rubbing back and forth calmly. I smile and puts my hand over his, on my stomach. "Mommy?" We hear our son call out. We turn to look at him standing in the kitchen doorway.

I smile at him as I let go of Kol. "Hey baby" I say walking towards him. I kneel down to his height as he looks at me. "I'm hungry." He says and I smile. "Well take a seat, I just made some waffles." I say to him, and he smiles and wraps his little arms around my neck hugging me.

"Thank you, mommy." he says before running to his seat. I stand up as Kol gives him a plate with a cut up waffle on it. I smile and walks over to the table, sitting in the seat next to my son. "So, my brother is hosting one of his fancy dinner things tonight." I hear Kol say as I look up at him.

"Why?" I ask him. "He didn't say. But we don't have to go, if you don't want to." Kol says to me. I look up at him. "I don't mind." I say, shrugging and he raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" He asks and I smile at him. "Yes, I'm sure." I say and he nods slowly. "Okay, then it's settled. We have to be there by 7." He says and I nod. "I'm gonna go take a shower" I say as I stand up and kisses Sebastian's head before leaving the kitchen.

Later that night

Kol's POV:
"You ready love?" I ask as I see my darling girlfriend walk downstairs in a beautiful dress and her hair in a side braid.

(Davina's Hair and outfit)

I smile as I see how beautiful she looks

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I smile as I see how beautiful she looks. "I am" she says as she walks to me. "You look gorgeous." I say to her making her smile. "Thank you" she says, and I smile. "Let's go" I say as she nods. I look behind me at Sebastian, who is playing with his toys.

"Ready to go buddy?" I ask him as he looks up at me. "Yes!" He exclaimed as he jumps up excitedly making both Davina and I chuckle. He runs outside as me, and Davina follow him.

"Slow down there, mister." Davina says as Sebastian stops and turns at the car parked in the driveway. Davina walks up to him and opens the back seat door and helps him get buckled in his car seat.

I smile at them before getting in the driver's seat and buckling myself up. Davina gets in the passenger's side and buckles up as I drive out of the driveway and heads to the Compound.

At the compound

We arrive at the Compound as I just parked the car. I get out, getting Sebastian out after me as Davina gets out of the car. I hear her sigh as I walk up from behind her and grabs her hand. "We can always go back home, darling." I say to her, but she shakes her head no.

"Let's just get this over with." She says as she walks towards the entrance with Sebastian following her. I sigh watching her. I know it kills her to come here. After what happened with Hayley that time, it hurts her, and I know it. Hayley still hasn't forgiven her.

I take a breath before walking towards the entrance and heading inside. "Kol! Finally!" I hear Nik yell from the other room making me roll my eyes. I see him enter from the kitchen as he walks up to me. "Hello brother" I say to him with a fake smile. "You're late" he says, and I scoff. "By one minute!" I yell at him.

"That's enough you two!" Rebekah yells at us as she's walking downstairs.

Davina's POV:
I sit on the couch in the compound as I watch Sebastian play with his older cousin, Hope. "Davina!" I hear someone call out my name. I turn my head to look behind me as I see Rebekah walking up to me.

I smile and stands up. She pulls me in for a hug as I do the same to her. "I missed you, Bekah" I say to her as we pull away. "I missed you too. Where have you been?" She says and
I chuckle nervously. "Oh, you know, around. I've just been really busy, haven't had much time to do anything." I say as my breath hitches in my throat.

"Well, I'm glad you and my brother came tonight." She says making me smile. "Me too" I say.

Few moments later

Davina's POV:
"Everyone to the dining room! It's all ready!" I hear Klaus yell from the other room. I get off the couch as I walk over to Sebastian. "You hungry baby?" I ask kneeling down to his height. "Yes Mommy" he says as I smile. "Let's go eat then" I say kissing his forehead and standing up.

He holds my hand as we follow everyone to the dining room. I pick Sebastian up and sits him in a seat next to his father as I sit on the other side of Kol. "This looks great brother" Freya says to Klaus. "Why thank you, dear sister" he says making Freya smile.

I look diagonal from where I'm sitting to see Hayley. I sigh as I watch her eating her food. I quickly look away and looks down at my food and is about to take a bite when I suddenly don't feel very good.

I quickly get up and runs out of the dining room and to the bathroom. I run in the bathroom, dropping my body against the toilet as I throw up inside the toilet.

Kol's POV:
I raise an eyebrow as I see Davina leave the table rather suddenly. I get up and quickly follows behind her as I see her heading to the bathroom.

I run in the bathroom to see her sitting on the floor, throwing up in the toilet. I walk up to her and kneels down holding her hair back for her as I use my free hand to rub circles on her back.

I hate seeing her like this. I just want to make her feel better but there's nothing I can do for her.

Davina's POV:
I finally stop throwing up as I grab a piece of toilet paper and wipe my mouth. I flush the toilet, then sits against the wall on the floor. "Are you alright?" Kol asks as I turn my head to him.

"Yeah, I'm ok." I say with a slight smile. He gives me a kiss on the cheek then helps me up off the ground. "Are you sure?" He asks and I nod. "I promise, I'm okay." I say to him. "Okay" he says as he takes my hand and walks back to the dining room.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Rebekah asks. I sigh and looks at Kol as he looks at me. He nods and I look back at Rebekah, and everyone else. "I'm pregnant".

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