Chapter 30

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Davina's POV:
"Kol said you were dead!! He said they killed you!!" I yell to Mikael, still locked to this damn chair. "Oh, but they did, but the ancestors and I made a little deal. And I hear you're pregnant." He smirks at me, and my eyes widen, but soon fills with rage. "You will NOT touch my baby!!" I shout.

"What makes you think it's just a baby?" He says making me confused. What is he talking about? "What the hell do you mean by that?!" I ask angrily. "Davina, you're having twins. And the ancestors want to make a little deal." He says, making my eyes widen.

I'm having twins? Twins?! God, if I wasn't in such an awful problem here, I'd be so happy. "And what's that deal?" I ask. "Since you're having twins, the ancestors will let you keep one, but they'll take the other baby." He explains.

"What?! You're insane if you think I'm just going to hand over my baby!!!" I yell at him. "Davina don't make this hard" he says, I can hear the anger in his voice. "I WON'T LET YOU TOUCH MY BABIES!!!!!" I scream at him.

"Oh, you bloody little—" he starts to say as he starts running towards me with his teeth out, but he gets thrown against a wall. "I don't think you want to finish that sentence, father." I hear someone say and my eyes widen as I recognize the voice.

I sigh in relief and let out a smile. Oh, I've never been so happy to hear that voice. But right as he throws Mikael, I feel someone untie me. I turn around and sees Elijah. I quickly get out of the chair and gives him a tight hug. "Thank you" I whisper to him. He smiles, hugging me back, but I then let go right after.

"You should leave, this will get messy." He says but I shake my head. "No. This is my problem and I'll end this." I say before turning and going towards Mikael and Kol. Kol was now on the floor and Mikael was about to charge at Kol, but I quickly put my hand up and focuses on Mikael, just as he drops to the floor screaming, holding his ears.

"I don't think so, Mikael." I say before making the sound a lot louder. Kol gets up and vamps over to me. I try to tense up the sound more, but I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. "Ahh!" I shout as I stop the magic. I put a hand on my stomach as Kol gently grabs my arm. "What happened? Are you alright?" He asks, I can sense the worry in his voice.

I let out a sigh as the pain begins to go away. "Yeah, I don't know what that was." I say looking at Kol. He cups my face. "It's okay, Love." He says with a smile. I then, turn to look at Mikael, but... he's gone?! "Damn it!" I yelled. I can't believe he got away!!!

"Darling, relax. We'll find him." Kol says. "He wants our baby, Kol. He made a deal with the ancestors, that's why he's here. He's here to take our baby away" I say, tears start forming in my eyes as I look at Kol.

"Hey, no one is going to take our baby. I will make bloody sure of that." He says making me feel a little better. I let out a sigh as I look down, placing a hand on my stomach. "What's wrong, love?" Kol asks me.

"He said we're having twins." I say as I look up at Kol. His eyes widen. "What?" He says shockingly. "He said the ancestors want to take one of the babies, and we can keep the other, or whatever. That's why they sent him here." I say to him. His eyes slowly trail down to my stomach as he placed a hand over my stomach.

He then Kneels down to my stomach. "I promise you, my little ones, no one will harm you." He says, directed at my stomach, sending a warm smile on my face as I wipe my tears.

He lays a soft kiss on my belly, before standing up and doing the same to my forehead. "Let's go, I should talk to my siblings." He says making me nod. He takes my hand as we begin walking out of here.

At the Mikaelson mansion

15 minutes later

Kol's POV:
"So, you mean to tell me, father is alive? And he's here?" Klaus says. "Yes, and he wants our baby." I say to my siblings. It was me, Davina, Rebekah, Elijah, Hayley Klaus, and Freya all sitting in the compound as I told all of them the news. Davina having twins, my father being alive, the ancestors wanting our baby, all of it.

"What do we do? We don't have any white oak." Rebekah says making me sigh. "What if there's a spell in mother's spell book? Me and Davina could work a spell together to trap father." Freya suggested and as Davina was about to speak, I cut in. "No, Davina can't do magic. Find something else."

"Seriously, Kol?" Davina says as I look at her, she's staring dead at me. "Darling, did you not see what happened earlier? You can't do magic." I say to her making her roll her eyes. "That had nothing to do with me using magic!" She yells making me scoff.

"Really? Then try a spell, right now." I say to her, as she smiled at me. "Fine." she replied, just before looking at Nik. Nik raised an eyebrow, just before he suddenly placed a hand on his head, wincing his eyes. "You bitch!" he yelled, as Davina used her magic on him, just before i noticed her wincing. "Ah!" she shouted, instantly stopping the spell as she clutched her stomach, taking a deep breath. "That is exactly what I mean, Davina."

 "This is bullshit." She mutters in an angry tone, before walking out of the compound. I sigh, following her outside. "Davina!" I shout at her, but she ignores me as she keeps on walking. I groan and vamp speeds Infront of her, making her stop. "Get out of my way Kol!" She yells but I cross my Arms. "No! You know just as well as I that you cannot use your magic right now!" I yelled at her making her scoff. "You don't get to decide for me!" She yells back.

"Davina, I am trying to protect you, damn it! And you're making it really bloody hard." I frustratingly tell her. I love this woman, I do, but sometimes she just makes me so damn mad! "I don't need your protection! I can take care of myself!" She yells making me scoff.

"Really? Didn't seem like that when my father held you captive!" I yell back at her. "Are you fucking serious right now?! I didn't need you then and I don't need you now!!" She yells at me. But before I could say more, she walks past me, storming off.

"Davina!!!" I yell out to her, but she just keeps on walking.

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