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I hesitated to answer my phone for a number I didn't know, but it was a local one and they had tried before to call me. Chances of it being a scam should be low, shouldn't it?

"Hello, is this Ms. Tanaka?"

"Yes, this is."

"Hi, I am a nurse practitioner at Kapiolani Cancer Center. We've been trying to reach you in regards to your ten year screening that is due. Well, overdue now. Can we schedule your CT scan?"

"I don't...I'm not at home right now. Can I call you back later?" I hesitantly asked.

The nurse exhaled. "It's not advised that we wait too long to do this Ms. Tanaka. Please do call us back as soon as you can. Your cancer was very aggressive."

I said the normal pleasantries, apologized again and hung up. Who was she telling?! I knew how aggressive it was. I had to live through it. And I still was in many aspects. Getting ovarian cancer when I was only 16 earned you a spot in the medical books, in its rare occurrences, it still baffled doctors. My dad had gotten me the best oncologist though available in San Diego and I was able to take drastic surgical intervention. 

You're not the same. Never can be.

Shutting off the thought valve, I glanced at Luca sitting in his Jeep, near mine. I was secretly glad I'd driven here instead of walking. A cloud always came over me when I had to confront the enemy...cancer. Even if it was 'past tense'. There simply was no such thing. It could come back. Luca was on his phone again and he didn't look happy. 

Deciding that space was better than walking back over to him, I waited. I could be patient. Hopefully, he wouldn't ask what my call was about. Though I was beginning to wonder about his. He was smiling as he talked. His dimples popped and he drummed on his steering wheel. Would a work call take this long? 

I was starting to have a bad feeling.


"I'm sorry that took so long. I gotta get back out to the men in a bit." 

Luca stood by my door, his arms raised over his head, leaning in to the Jeep frame. The close proximity and the manner in which he was looking at me made my mind muddled. I wanted to pry a bit though. Something was nagging at me. 

"That's ok. Duty comes first, I get it. My dad was the same way. He'd leave the dinner table  often to take work calls." 

"Everything ok with you? I saw you on the phone as well." 

Crap. Deflect. 

"Yep, nothing important. Do you have to answer to anyone else besides that blonde sergeant? What was her name again?" I  slyly asked. 

Luca's face changed. It wasn't subtle either. His forearms flexed as he gripped the roof top of my Jeep. Had I struck a nerve? If so, why? 

"Sergeant Leer. And yes, I have to answer to the platoon commander." 

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