I know it was the wrong time but I had a perfect view of his ass and I couldn't help smirk to myself as I followed him to some chained gates. Phil stood with his back against the gates and gestured for me to pick the lock as he kept a look out. Carefully and swiftly, I picked the lock with ease and threaded the chains through the loop, careful not to let them drop and make a noise.

"Any dogs?" I whispered.

"Let me check." Phil replied, taking out a miniature camera and sticking it under the gates. Meanwhile it was my turn to hold my gun up and keep look out.


"Two guys blocking the entrance, two at the back. The men at the back have dogs but the guys at the front are loaded with a gun each - possible hidden weapons. There's a security camera both round the front and back but that seems to be it." Phil explained.

"Piece of cake." I replied sarcastically.

Phil didn't reply and pulled out a smaller gun and aimed for the security camera through the gap in the gate. "Keep watching my back. I'll take out the cameras then take out the two in front. Once that's done, deal with the dogs and I'll make sure the other two are taken down." Phil instructed.

"Got it." and with that he broke both cameras from a distance and slipped through the gates, sprinting to the side of the building. I kept my eyes trained on the men with dogs - occasionally glancing at Phil who was stealthily approaching the men round front. I saw the dogs sniffing the air and quickly spoke into our earpieces. "Dogs are picking up your scent - better hurry it up."

"Got it." He replied and made it to the corner. I picked up a rock and threw it over at the men. The sound distracted them for a second and I nodded at Phil who took two knives out and struck them both in the back of the head.

My eyes darted back to the men at the back and saw the dogs sniffing the ground and tugging at their leashes. I slipped through the gates and kept to the shadows. I watched as Phil slipped back round the corner from across from me. I nodded and took out my gun - aiming at the dogs as Phil got closer to the men. The dogs started to growl and make their way in Phil's direction so I pulled the trigger and took both dogs out with sleeping darts.

"Hey!" I heard the men yell as the dogs fell to the ground. They looked in my direction and one took a radio out to warn others but Phil got there first and - like he had done with the first two, struck them both in the back of the head.

"Alright, get over here." Phil ordered through the ear piece. I obeyed and sprinted over to him, gun cocked just in case. "I'll stand watch - you decode the lock." Phil instructed and I went straight to the keypad and used my hacking skills to unlock it. As soon as the green light approved entry I twisted the handle and peaked inside, gun at arms. After a moment I knew it was alright.

"Alright, we can advance."

"Alright, follow me - they'll keep their plans in the main office and I'll try to grab a valuable hostage."

"Alright, lead the way." I agreed and followed him down a dark corridor. We passed many rooms - careful not to alert any one else working there. Soon enough we made it to the main office.

"Remember - you're stealth. They need to believe it's just me." Phil warned.

"Are you sure? It's really risky, you could be-"

"Dan." Phil replied sternly - it was a one that made me tense up. It reminded me of how much older he was and how much authority he still had over me despite being friends and partners.

"Sorry." I mumbled, feeling the sadness eating away at me. I know it wasn't appropriate timing but I couldn't help my feelings or being worried about him. The way he spoke to me sometimes made me feel young and useless and I really hated that about our partnership. Most of the time I wished I didn't have feelings for Phil so I wouldn't worry about him as much or feel depressed when he was strict with me or told me off. I knew that the partnership probably wasn't a good idea since my feelings sometimes got in the way of missions.

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