"You, kind of"

"What?" I laughed, "What does that mean"

"I don't know. We're friends right?"

"Yeah" I looked at him, confused at why he's asking me this. Of course we're friends.

"Yeah and we've known each other for a while" He stated, "I went from one day thinking of you as nothing more than a friend then i woke up one day and was like 'shit maybe we work better as more than friends'"


"No just let me finish and then talk" I didn't say anything so he continued, "I am a good guy, you know it too" I nodded. He is a good guy. "Let me treat you like you deserve" He grabbed my hand and held it in his own, "Just say yes"

I stayed quiet. I knew what my answer is but i couldn't speak.

And I didn't even get to answer because of the footsteps and someone clearing their throat.

"Your door was unlocked" Jett spoke up. I turned and was met with the faces of Vinnie and Jett.

I locked eyes with Vinnie who looked away and had his eyes set on something else. Our hands

I moved my hand away "Vinnie" I called but he turned and walked out the kitchen so fast. (drama king🙄) "Vinnie stop walking so fast"

I was following behind him, he was walking to the door. "Why? So you can tell me how i was here yesterday making sure you were fine, you got upset and called a man who clearly wants you to come over?" He finally stopped walking and turned to me

"That's not-"

"What happened?" Vinnie interrupted, finishing my sentence for me.

"You're not gonna try to argue in front of them, that's not what's gonna happen" I answered

"Fine we can fight in the garage"

He followed me to the door of the garage and opened it for me, closing it after he was in here with me.

"You left!" I stated angrily, "You could've fucking stayed but you left" I was in front of him so i moved and leaned on the car. "He came here unannounced so we watched a movie, nothing happened"

"You were holding hands Angel" He was mad

"No! He was holding mine i wasn't holding his" I noticed Vinnie clench his jaw, "What you heard was him, i didn't provoke anything. And why the fuck would i?"

"To me it looked like you held his hand"

"Then just trust me when i say i didnt"

"My eyes-" I shook my head before interrupting him

"I love you" I stated calmly, "And only you Vinnie, im sorry he was holding my hand but i'm telling you the truth." I let out a breath, "He does like me" I admit, "But you didn't let me answer him"

"I just don't want anyone to have you like i did or love you like me" He whispered, "I don't want you to love anyone else"

"I haven't loved anyone else since i met you" I walked a little closer to him, "I don't think i ever will"

"Promise me?"

I smiled, "I promise i won't ever love anyone else" He pulled me to him and hugged me tight.

"I promise to only love you" He brought his pinky up to my face and i about died. I raised my hand and intertwined my pinky with his, kissing his knuckles after he kissed mine.

"We're locking pinkies at our wedding" I stated, smiling at myself.

"Good" I looked up at him and grabbed his face between my arms, "Please don-"

Too late

I licked his face and let go of him

"Let's go back" I opened the door and walked back to the living room leaving him in the garage to wipe his face, since Jett and Ryan were there.

"Hey man i'm sorry i didn't realize you guys were back together" Ryan said, looking behind me where Vinnie is. "I would've never even came here today"

I didn't say anything. Not because i'm mad at him or anyone but because i didn't want to say anything wrong. I don't want drama.

"Aye we're good" Vinnie spoke from behind me, "No bad blood here"

I love how mature he is

"Okay well i should get going" Ryan got up from the couch. "It was nice meeting you" He shook Jett's hand and made his way to me and Vinnie. He shook Vinnies hand before going to stand right in front of me.

"I'll walk you out" He nodded, following behind me out the door. But of course when i opened the door Jack stood there with the biggest smile on his face.

"I've finally arrived" I smiled at Jack, "Oh did i miss something?"

"No you're good" I replied, "Vin and Jett are inside" He nodded "Oh sorry Jack this is Ryan, Ryan this is Jack"

"Hey Ryan, nice to meet ya" He shook his hand, "Is this country club Ryan?"


"Never mind, I will be inside if that's okay with you?" I nodded. Jack walked past us right inside to his friends as me and Ryan walked out to his car.

"I'm sorry about Vinnie" I spoke in a low voice, "And i'm sorry that i don't have the same feelings for you, you are a nice guy Ryan. And i know some girl would be so fucking lucky to have you... but i-"

"You love Vinnie" He stated. I only nodded, "No i get that, im sorry too. I hope this time around, you and him have a happy and healthy relationship that lasts until you're gray"

I laughed at the last part

"I mean it, i hope whatever went wrong last time doesn't happen again because God knows you guys are actually so good for each other" I smiled at his sincerity, "And deserve to be happy together"

"Thank you Ryan, i really appreciate that"

"No problem" He smiled back, "I should really get going though so i'll see you around?" I nodded, "Bye Red"

"Bye Ry" I hugged him and let go after a couple seconds, "Text me when you get home please"

He hummed as i watched him get in his car and start the ignition. I watched him drive away before going inside and locking the door behind me.

The Last Time (Vinnie Hacker)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin