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Angel Montoya

"Are you cold?" I asked my sister as i grabbed a random jacket from my closet. "It's so cold in here Pay"

"No it's not, it's hot" She stared at me, backing away from me. "I think you're getting sick"

"I want to lay down and sleep" My head hurts so bad and i've been sneezing all day

"Then do it but take medicine before you get sick" I made a face at her, "Do you even have some?"

"No because the last time i got sick was when i was with Gael." My mom had all the medicine. I've been feeling so bad that i even cancelled on my friends a couple days ago. I just don't wanna tell her it's been days since i started feeling bad.

"Vinnie lives near?" Payton asked.

"Yes but i'm not calling him, we decided to stay away-" I was interrupted by the sound of her phone calling someone.

"Hey Vin, yeah i'm okay it's actually your girlfriend" I saw her pull the phone away to press the speaker button.

"What about her?"

"She doesn't feel good and she doesn't own any medicine here" I looked at Payton

"I own advil"

"Is advil gonna help you feel better?" Vinnie asked me.

"Shut up"

"I'm just gonna buy you any medicine on the shelves" I hummed, "But what do you need it for"

"I don't know, i guess a cold?" I said in a duh tone, "Or flu, i seriously don't know Vinnie"

"I can take you to urgent care"

"No they take long there" He sighed, "I'll drink a tea"

"No i'm already going" He hung up before anyone could say another word.

I looked at my sister with wide eyes while she stared back at me, a smirk on her face. "He loves you" She smiled.

"I know but we aren't supposed to be near each other" She narrowed her eyes, shaking her head as if that's the dumbest thing she's heard.

"Sometimes you make the dumbest decisions" I gasped, "You ruin good things for yourself Angel, you guys are literally meant to be together. That man loves you more than anything and you don't see that"

"You don't know everything Payton" I stated, "Not everything is perfect, me and him were never perfect. He himself is not perfect"

"I never called you guys perfect I said he loves you"

I sighed, "You just don't understand" I looked at my open door, "Sonny!" My favorite boy came running to me. "You're such a good boy baby. Let's go get you a treat!" He was wagging his tail and jumping as i got off the bed. He followed me out of my room and into his room where all of his stuff is, including his food and treats.

He barked at me happily when he saw me grab the treat jar.

"Sit" He sat right in front of me. "Aw you're the cutest boy in this whole world" I gave him the treat. "You are the handsomest boy ever" I pet between his ears.

This dog is my entire world. He is why i look forward to getting up each morning. I love this puppy more than anything in my life.

So of course i left the office space next to my room for him. I have a big crate in here for when i start crate training him. I bought a couch for him that's fixed right in the middle of the wall it's pressed against. The big bed in the corner is meant to be his sleeping place but i just let him sleep in my room with me since it gets lonely and he's still a puppy.

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