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Vincent Hacker

"I feel like just sleeping" Angel spoke from the island, "I feel so bad"

"Then go and i'll help you out" I offered but she shook her head immediately. "Why not"

Payton has kept her distance to avoid getting sick, so she is currently in her room doing whatever she's doing while i am with Angel in the kitchen looking for something so she can eat.

"Lay down with me" She spoke barely loud enough to hear, my heart beat faster when i realized she wasn't joking.

"Room or couch?" I asked as i went around the island to her.

"Room" I picked her up from the stool and took her to her room, gently placing her on the bed, "You can close the door but make sure Sonny is here please"

I nodded and right when i was gonna call him he ran in here so i closed the door after him.

"Come" She spoke softly but i didn't move since i thought she was talking to the dog, "Vin come" I went on the bed with her.

"What's up?" I asked looking into her eyes, "Do you feel worse?"

"No i just want you with me" She moved a little closer, "I miss you"

"I know, i also miss you" I moved her hair out of her face and put the strand behind her ear. "I just wi-"

"Move in" She said quietly before closing her eyes

I don't think i heard that right. "What?" I hesitantly sat up on her bed and rested my back on the wall. "Angel what?"

Angel sat up facing me and was looking at me, saying nothing for a couple seconds. "How much do you pay in the apartment?"

I sighed "Five"

"Thousand?" Her eyes widened when i nodded my head, "Yeah just move here. Do Jett and Jack live with you?"

"Not really they just sleep over a lot and are around" I shrugged

"They can come too" I smiled, "But Payton has a room so they'd have to choose the other ones"

"Angel" I called her, "You can't just decide this, think about it" She let out a breath, "I want to i just don't want you to regret it when i have my stuff here already"

"Vinnie i won't regret it, plus i'll be at school a lot of the time so i won't have time to regret anything. Id feel safer living here if you did too"

I laughed, "You're using me for safety?"

Angel shook her head "Company" She corrected, "Safety is just another plus"

"So you want me Jack and Jett to move in?" I asked confused at the request.

"I would like that, yes. But not if you guys don't-"

"I do" I interrupted, "Stop saying that cause i will start moving my stuff in here today" She laughed

Her smile is my favorite view, i could look at her smile for hours with no distraction. "Can we lay down now?"

I had my arms out for her to hug me so when she did i laid down with her in my arms. "You're so pretty" I complimented

"Hm?" She shifted to be able to look at me, "So you're coming here?" I nodded, "When you move in let's actually decorate? I didn't let my mom do much because i wanted to do it but now we both can. Also the guys if they say yes"

I smiled down at her, "Yeah we can go get stuff when you feel better" She nodded "What do you wanna decorate?"

Sha had a smile on her face, "The kitchen, here, Sonny's area, my closet, bathrooms, your room because you'd only put black sheets and curtains, Payton's room"

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